
test_that("Global Databse Data pass all checks", {
  report <- data_validation_report()

  # data base data
  phase_2_db_data %>%
    data.validator::validate(name = "Verifying filter_data") %>%
      "date", "location_1",
      "comment_type", "comment_txt", "fft",
    ), description = "required columns are present") %>%
    validate_if(is_uniq(comment_id), description = "ID column is unique") %>%
    validate_if(!is.na(comment_id) & comment_id != "", description = "comment_id column is not empty") %>%
    validate_if(!is.na(pt_id) & pt_id != "", description = "pat_id column is not empty") %>%
    validate_if(is.list(category), description = "category column is a list") %>%
    validate_if(inherits(date, "Date"), description = "date column is in date format") %>%
    validate_if(inherits(last_upload_date, "POSIXct"), description = "last upload date column is in datetime format") %>%
    validate_if(!is.na(last_upload_date), description = "last upload date column is not empty") %>%
    validate_if(lubridate::year(min(date)) > 2015, description = "Start Date is after 2015") %>%

  # the single row per category data
  single_labeled_filter_data %>%
    data.validator::validate(name = "Verifying Single row filter_data") %>%
      "date", "location_1",
      "comment_type", "comment_txt", "fft",
      "category", "super_category"
    ), description = "required columns are present") %>%
    validate_rows(col_concat, is_uniq, comment_id, category, description = "comment_id and category combination is unique") %>%
    validate_if(!is.na(comment_id) & comment_id != "", description = "comment_id column is not empty") %>%
    validate_if(!is.na(pt_id) & pt_id != "", description = "pat_id column is not empty") %>%
    validate_if(is.character(category), description = "category column is a character") %>%
    validate_if(inherits(date, "Date"), description = "date column is in date format") %>%
    validate_if(lubridate::year(min(date)) > 2015, description = "Start Date is after 2015") %>%

  # get_results(report) %>% View()

  is_validation_success <- all((get_results(report) %>% dplyr::pull(type)) == "success")
CDU-data-science-team/experiencesdashboard documentation built on Nov. 30, 2023, 5:57 a.m.