
Defines functions as_cluster_desc as_i8_desc as_item_desc as_severity_desc

Documented in as_cluster_desc as_i8_desc as_item_desc as_severity_desc

#' Convert HoNOS severity scores to labelled factor
#' @param x Vector of severity rating from 0 to 4
#' @param na_level String, specifying label for missing values.
#' @return Labelled "factor"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- 0:4
#' as_severity_desc(x)
as_severity_desc <- function(x, na_level = NULL) {

  x <- factor(x,
              levels = c(0:4),
              labels = c("No problem",
                         "Minor problem",
                         "Mild problem",
                         "Moderately severe problem",
                         "Severe to very severe problem")

  if (is.null(na_level) == FALSE) {

   x <- forcats::fct_explicit_na(x, na_level = na_level)




#' Convert HoNOS item numbers to labelled factor
#' @description Types of other mental and behavioural problems specified in Item 8 can be labelled using the function \code{\link{as_i8_desc}}
#' @param x Vector of item numbers
#' @param .ignore_n_items Logical, if TRUE the specified vector does not check the item number and assumes that the 18 item "working adults" version that includes current and historical scales.
#' @return Labelled "factor"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- 1:13
#' as_item_desc(x, n_items = 13)
as_item_desc <- function(x, .ignore_n_items = FALSE) {

  # Check max number of items
  n_items <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)

  # ADD max number of items for each implemented HoNOS versions here
  n_items_available <- c(12, 13, 18)

  if (.ignore_n_items == FALSE) {

    # Check if max number of items is already implemented in this version of the package
    if (!n_items %in% n_items_available == TRUE) {
      stop("The maximum number of items in x (n = ", n_items, ") is currently not implemented.\nYou can ignore this behaviour by adding the argument '.ignore_n_items = FALSE'.", call. = FALSE)

  } else if (.ignore_n_items == TRUE) {

    n_items <- 18


    x <- factor(x,
                levels = c(1:18),
                labels = c(
                  "Scale 1: Overactive, aggressive, disruptive or agitated behaviour",
                  "Scale 2: Non-accidental self-injury",
                  "Scale 3: Problem drinking or drug taking",
                  "Scale 4: Cognitive problems",
                  "Scale 5: Physical illness or disability problems",
                  "Scale 6: Hallucinations and Delusions",
                  "Scale 7: Depressed mood",
                  "Scale 8: Other mental and behavioural problems",
                  "Scale 9: Relationships",
                  "Scale 10: Activities of daily living",
                  "Scale 11: Living conditions",
                  "Scale 12: Occupation & Activities",
                  "Scale 13: Strong unreasonable beliefs",
                  "Scale A: Agitated behaviour/expansive mood",
                  "Scale B: Repeat Self-Harm",
                  "Scale C: Safeguarding other children & vulnerable dependant adults",
                  "Scale D: Engagement",
                  "Scale E: Vulnerability"



#' Convert HoNOS item 8 types to labelled factor
#' @param x Vector of strings
#' @return Labelled "factor"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J")
#' as_i8_desc(x)
as_i8_desc <- function(x) {

  x <- factor(x,
              levels = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J"),
              labels = c("Type A: Phobic",
                         "Type B: Anxiety",
                         "Type C: Obsessive-compulsive",
                         "Type D: Mental strain / tension",
                         "Type E: Dissociative",
                         "Type F: Somatoform",
                         "Type G: Eating",
                         "Type H: Sleep",
                         "Type I: Sexual",
                         "Type J: Other, specify"))



#' Describe clusters
#' @param x Vector of numeric values ranging from 0 to 21
#' @return Labelled "factor"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- 0:21
#' # Return clusters (0 to 21)
#' as_cluster_desc(x)
#' # Return super clusters (A to C)
#' as_cluster_desc(x,
#'                 return = "super_cluster")
#' # Return detailed super clusters
#' as_cluster_desc(x,
#'                 return = "super_cluster",
#'                 super_cluster_details = TRUE)
as_cluster_desc <- function(x, return = c("cluster", "super_cluster"), super_cluster_details = FALSE) {

  return <- match.arg(return)

  if (return == "cluster") {

  x <- factor(x,
              levels = c(0:21),
              labels = c(
                "Care Cluster 0: Variance",
                "Care Cluster 1: Common mental health problems (Low severity)",
                "Care Cluster 2: Common mental health problems (Low severity with greater need)",
                "Care Cluster 3: Non-psychotic (Moderate severity)",
                "Care Cluster 4: Non-psychotic (Severe)",
                "Care Cluster 5: Non-psychotic disorders (Very severe)",
                "Care Cluster 6: Non-psychotic disorder of over-valued ideas",
                "Care Cluster 7: Enduring non-psychotic disorders (High disability)",
                "Care Cluster 8: Non-psychotic chaotic and challenging disorders",
                "Care Cluster 9: Blank cluster",
                "Care Cluster 10: First episode psychosis (With / without manic features)",
                "Care Cluster 11: Ongoing recurrent psychosis (Low symptoms)",
                "Care Cluster 12: Ongoing or recurrent psychosis (High disability)",
                "Care Cluster 13: Ongoing or recurrent psychosis (High symptom and disability)",
                "Care Cluster 14: Psychotic crisis",
                "Care Cluster 15: Severe psychotic depression",
                "Care Cluster 16: Psychosis and affective disorder (High substance misuse and engagement)",
                "Care Cluster 17: Psychosis and affective disorder – difficult to engage",
                "Care Cluster 18: Cognitive impairment (Low need)",
                "Care Cluster 19: Cognitive impairment or dementia complicated (Moderate need)",
                "Care Cluster 20: Cognitive impairment or dementia complicated (High need)",
                "Care Cluster 21: Cognitive impairment or dementia (High physical or engagement)"
  } else if (return == "super_cluster") {

    if (super_cluster_details == FALSE) {

      x <- dplyr::case_when(x == 0 ~ NA_character_,
                            x %in% 1:8 ~ "A: Non-psycotic",
                            x %in% 9 ~ "A: Non-psycotic",
                            x %in% 10:17 ~ "B: Psychosis",
                            x %in% 18:21 ~ "C: Organic",
                            TRUE ~ NA_character_

      x <- factor(x,
                  levels = c("A: Non-psycotic", "B: Psychosis", "C: Organic"),
                  labels = c("A: Non-psycotic", "B: Psychosis", "C: Organic")

    } else if (super_cluster_details == TRUE) {

      x <- dplyr::case_when(x == 0 ~ NA_character_,
                            x %in% 1:4 ~   "A: Non-psycotic (Very severe and complex)",
                            x %in% 5:8 ~   "A: Non-psycotic (Mild, moderate, or severe)",
                            x == 9 ~       "A: Non-psycotic (Blank place marker)",
                            x == 10 ~      "B: Psychosis (First episode)",
                            x %in% 11:13 ~ "B: Psychosis (Ongoing or recurrent)",
                            x %in% 14:15 ~ "B: Psychosis (Psychotic crisis)",
                            x %in% 16:17 ~ "B: Psychosis (Very severe engagement)",
                            x %in% 18:21 ~ "C: Organic (Cognitive impairment)",
                            TRUE ~ NA_character_

      x <- factor(x,
                  levels = c("A: Non-psycotic (Blank place marker)",
                             "A: Non-psycotic (Very severe and complex)",
                             "A: Non-psycotic (Mild, moderate, or severe)",
                             "B: Psychosis (First episode)",
                             "B: Psychosis (Ongoing or recurrent)",
                             "B: Psychosis (Psychotic crisis)",
                             "B: Psychosis (Very severe engagement)",
                             "C: Organic (Cognitive impairment)"),
                  labels = c("A: Non-psycotic (Blank place marker)",
                             "A: Non-psycotic (Very severe and complex)",
                             "A: Non-psycotic (Mild, moderate, or severe)",
                             "B: Psychosis (First episode)",
                             "B: Psychosis (Ongoing or recurrent)",
                             "B: Psychosis (Psychotic crisis)",
                             "B: Psychosis (Very severe engagement)",
                             "C: Organic (Cognitive impairment)")



CDU-data-science-team/honos documentation built on Nov. 7, 2021, 9:20 p.m.