read.GHB: Read general head boundary (GHB) package file

Description Usage Arguments Value


Reads information from a MODFLOW GHB package file. The GHB package specifies the simplest kind of head dependent flux boundary condition that includes a conductance term. The flux is calculated by:

Q_{GHB} = \frac{h_{model} - h_{GHB}}{Cond}


read.GHB(filename, nSP, FREE = TRUE)



character string; the package file to read


integer [1] or DIS.MFpackage object; number of stress periods or corresponding DIS package from which this can be read


logical [1]; if TRUE, read assuming free format; normally FREE = TRUE is okay even if the file is in fixed format, providing entries have a space between them


object of class GHB.MFpackage:
$header (1-row data.frame):
..$MXACTB (int): the maximum number of GHB boundary cells in any stress period
..$IGHBCB (int): unit number to which to save flow to GHB cells
$spheaders (data.frame with nSP rows):
..$ITMP (int): number of active GHB cells in each stress period or, if <1, signals to reuse information from previous stress period
..$NP (int): number of parameters active in each stress period (not that parameter-defined boundaries are not currently supported in read.GHB)
$data (data.table):
..$L (int): layer
..$R (int): row
..$C (int): column
..$BHead (double): head at boundary above model datum (h_{GHB})
..$Cond (double): conductance of boundary (units length^2/time)
..$...: any auxiliary variables that are included in the file but which don't play a role in the MODFLOW simulation

CJBarry/Rflow documentation built on June 16, 2019, 12:35 p.m.