guidance <-
list(missing_referral = "This enrollment was created without a referral. Households must be placed on a community queue via an assessment and reassigned to a program in HMIS. Please refer to workflows at <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.",
conflicting_hi = "If the user answered 'Yes' to 'Covered by Health Insurance', then there should be at least one health insurance type toggled on indicating which type of health insurance the Client is receiving.",
conflicting_income = "If the user answered 'Yes' to 'Income from Any Source', then there should be at least one monthly income type toggled on indicating which type of income the Client is receiving.",
conflicting_ncbs = "If the user answered 'Yes' to 'Receiving Non-Cash Benefits', then there should be at least one non-cash benefits type toggled on indicating which type of non-cash benefit the Client is receiving.",
unlikely_ncbs = "This Client has every single Non-Cash Benefit, according to HMIS, which is highly unlikely. Please correct (unless it's actually true).",
missing_at_exit = "Please enter the data for this item by clicking Exit on the given Client ID in the appropriate program enrollment.",
missing_at_entry = "This data element is required to be collected at project enrollment. Please click into the Client's enrollment screen to save this data to HMIS.",
missing_pii = "Please correct by navigating to the Client's record to save the missing data.",
referral_ssvf_on_non_hoh = "This enrollment was created without a referral. Households must be placed on a community queue via an assessment and reassigned to a program in HMIS.",
path_enrolled_missing = "Please enter the data for this item by clicking into the correct data collection stage (enrollment, status or exit). On the corresponding screen, enter the correct Date of Status Determination and whether Client Became Enrolled in PATH (Yes/No).",
path_reason_missing = "The user has indicated the Household was not enrolled into PATH, but no reason was selected.",
missing_path_contact = "Every adult or Head of Household must have at least one Current Living Situation assessment during the period in which the Client was enrolled.",
incorrect_path_contact_date = "Every adult or Head of Household should have a Current Living Situation assessment where the Date of Contact matches the Program Date. This would represent the initial contact made with the Client.",
duplicate_ees = "Users sometimes create this error when they forget to click into a program stay by using the Entry pencil, and instead they click 'Add Entry/Exit' each time. To correct, EDA to the project the Entry/Exit belongs to, navigate to the Entry/Exit tab and delete the program stay that was accidentally added for each Household member.",
future_ees = "Users should not be entering a Client into a project on a date in the future. If the Entry Date is correct, there is no action needed, but going forward, please be sure that your data entry workflow is correct according to your project type.",
future_exits = "This Client's Exit Date is a date in the future. Please enter the exact date the Client left your program. If this Client has not yet exited, delete the Exit and then enter the Exit Date once the Client is no longer in your program.",
lh_without_spdats = "Any household who has been in an access point or shelter for over 8 days should be assessed with the VI-SPDAT so that they can be prioritized for Permanent Housing (RRH or PSH). Clients with AP enrollments in living situation of place not meant should be assessed immediately.",
ph_without_spdats = "Every Household being referred to a non-veteran dedicated permanent housing (RRH or PSH) program must have a VI-SPDAT score to aid with prioritization. The VI-SPDAT used to refer the household needs to be less than a year old.",
spdat_on_non_hoh = "In Households with children it is very important to be sure that the VI-SPDAT score goes on the Head of Household of a given program stay because otherwise that score may not pull into any reporting. Children should not have VI-SPDAT assessments on their record. If there is an existing VI-SPDAT on another adult in the household no action is needed.",
services_on_non_hoh = "Users should not checkbox all the Household members when creating a Service Transaction. Only the Head of Household needs a Service Transaction. Delete any extraneous Service Transactions related to this project stay.",
dkr_data = "It is widely understood that not every Client will be able to or consent to answer every question in every screen. If you do have any of this data, but it is just not entered into HMIS yet, please enter it. If you can reasonably attempt again to collect this data from the Client (like if they are still in your program), then please do so. Otherwise, there is no action needed.",
project_stays = "A Client cannot reside in an ES, TH or a Safe Haven at the same time. Nor can they have a Move-In Date into a PSH or RRH project while they are still in an ES or TH. Further, they cannot be in any two RRH's or any two PSH's simultaneously, housed or not. Please look the Client(s) up in HMIS and determine which program stay's Program/Move-In/or Exit Date is incorrect. PLEASE NOTE: It may be the 'Previous Provider's' mistake, but if you are seeing Clients here, it means your project stay was entered last. If the overlap is not your project's mistake, please work with the project that has the incorrect Program/Move-In/or Exit Date to get this corrected or send an email to <a href='' target='_blank'></a> if you cannot get it resolved. These Clients will NOT show on their Data Quality app. If YOUR dates are definitely correct, it is fine to continue with other data corrections as needed.",
project_stays_eval = "paste0(purrr::when(p_types, \n identical(p_types, project_types$ph) ~ \"A client cannot be in any two PSH's\",\n identical(p_types, project_types$rrh) ~ \"A client cannot be in any two RRH's\",\n identical(p_types, project_types$lh) ~ \"A client cannot reside in any two ES, TH, or Safe Haven at the same time.\", \n ~ \"A client cannot have a Move-In Date into a PSH or RRH project while they are still in an ES, TH or Safe Haven\"), \". See full guidance below this table.\")",
aps_with_ees = "Access Points should only be entering Referrals and Diversion Services into the AP provider- not Entry Exits. If a user has done this, the Entry Exit should be deleted. Please see the <a href='' target='_blank'>Coordinated Entry workflow</a>.",
incorrect_ee_type = "The user selected the wrong Entry Exit Type. To correct, click the Entry pencil and Save & Continue. The Entry Exit Type at the top can then be changed. Click \"Update\" to make this change take effect.",
stray_service = "This Service does not fall between any project stay, so it will not show in any reporting.",
check_disability_ssi = "If a Client is receiving SSI or SSDI for THEIR OWN disability, that disability should be indicated in the Disabling Conditions data elements. If an adult is receiving SSI or SSDI benefits on behalf a minor child, then there is no action needed.",
check_eligibility = "Your Prior Living Situation data suggests that this project is either serving ineligible Households, the Household was entered into the wrong program, or the Prior Living Situation data at Enrollment is incorrect. Please check the terms of your grant or email <a href='' target='_blank'></a> (<a href='' target='_blank'></a> if you are in Mahoning County) if you are unsure of eligibility criteria for your program type. If the enrollment meets eligibility based on the grant criteria then no correction is necessary.",
conflicting_disability = "If the user answered 'Yes' to \\'Disabling Condition\\', then there should be at least one disability type marked Yes.",
incorrect_dob = "The HMIS data is indicating the Client entered the program PRIOR to being born. Correct either the Date of Birth or the Program Date, whichever is incorrect.",
vax_incorrect_date = "Date Vaccine Dose Administered precedes the vaccine being available in the US.",
hh_children_only = "Unless your program serves youth younger than 18 exclusively, every Household should have at least one adult in it. If you are not sure how to correct this, please contact the HMIS team for help.",
hh_missing_rel_to_hoh = "Check inside the Enrollment pencil to be sure each Household member has \"Relationship to Head of Household\" answered and that only one of them says \"Self (Head of Household)\".",
hh_no_hoh = "Please be sure all members of the Household are included in the program stay, and that each Household member's birthdate is correct. If those things are both true, or the Client is a single, check inside the Enrollment pencil to be sure each Household member has the correct \"Relationship to Head of Household\" and that one of them says Self (Head of Household). Singles are always Self (Head of Household).",
hh_too_many_hoh = "Check inside the Enrollment pencil to be sure each Household member has \"Relationship to Head of Household\" answered and that only one of them says \"Self (Head of Household)\".",
date_homeless_after_entry = "This Client has an Approximate Date Homelessness Started in their Enrollment that is after their Program Date. The information in the Enrollment should reflect the Client's situation at the point of Enrollment.",
months_homeless_tbd = "According to this Client's enrollment, they experienced a single episode of homelessness in the three years prior to their enrollment and the approximate start date of their homelessness is known, but there was no response entered for the number of months they experienced homelessness prior to this enrollment. It should be possible to determine and enter the number of months homeless based on the Approximate Date Homeless and the Enrollment Date.",
months_homeless_inconsistent = "According to this Client's enrollment, they experienced a single episode of homelessness in the three years prior to their enrollment and the approximate start date of their homelessness is known, but the recorded number of months they experienced homelessness prior to this enrollment is inconsistent with the given dates. Please double-check this information for consistency and accuracy.",
mahoning_60 = "If this Household is 'unreachable' as defined in the Mahoning County Coordinated Entry Policies and Procedures, they should be exited.",
missing_client_loc = "If Client Location is missing, this Household will be excluded from all HUD reporting.",
missing_county_served = "County Served must be collected at enrollment for all Clients. County is very important so that the Client is prioritized into the correct service areas for various housing solutions. This can be corrected through the Enrollment pencil.",
missing_destination = "It is widely understood that not every Client will complete an exit interview, especially for high-volume emergency shelters. A few warnings for Missing Destination is no cause for concern, but if there is a large number, please contact <a href = \"\" target = \"_blank\"></a> for more guidance.",
missing_living_situation = "When responding to the Living Situation questions in your Entry Assessment, users must answer questions about some Clients' situation prior to the 'Residence Prior' that are important to help determine that Client's Chronicity. Please answer these questions to the best of your knowledge.",
missing_los = "This data element may be answered with an old value or it may simply be missing. If the value selected is \"One week or less (HUD)\", you will need to change that value to either \"One night or less (HUD)\" or \"Two to six nights (HUD)\".",
vax_missing_current = "Client was literally homeless on Feb 5th, 2021 or later and is missing their vaccine consent data. Because the Client has not exited the program, this data can still be collected. Please see <a href = \"\" target = \"_blank\">Covid19 guidance</a> for more info.",
vax_missing_exit = "Client was literally homeless on Feb 5th, 2021 or later and is missing their vaccine data. Because the Client has not exited the program, this data can still be collected. Please see <a href = \"\" target = \"_blank\">Covid19 guidance for more info</a>.",
path_status = "Users must indicate the PATH Date of Status Determination for any adult enrolled in PATH.",
psh_check_exit = "This Household appears to have an Enrollment into a PSH program that overlaps their Exit from your program. Typically this means the Client moved into a Permanent Supportive Housing unit after their stay with you. If that is true, the Destination should be 'Rental by client, with ongoing housing subsidy'. The Rental Subsidy Type should be 'VASH housing subsidy', 'Permanent Supportive Housing', or 'Other permanent housing dedicated for formerly homeless persons'. If you are sure the current Destination is accurate, then please leave it the way it is.",
psh_incorrect_destination = "This Household appears to have a Move-In Date into a PSH program that matches their Exit from your program, but the Exit Destination from your program does not indicate that the Household exited to PSH. The correct Destination should be 'Rental by client, with ongoing housing subsidy'. The Rental Subsidy Type should be 'VASH housing subsidy', 'Permanent Supportive Housing', or 'Other permanent housing dedicated for formerly homeless persons'.",
psh_missing_stay = "The Exit Destination for this Household indicates that they exited to Permanent Supportive Housing, but there is no PSH program enrollment for the Client. If the PSH program the Household exited to is outside of the Balance of State CoC or Mahoning County CoC, then no correction is necessary. If they entered PSH in the Balance of State CoC or Mahoning County CoC, then this Household is missing their PSH program stay. If they did not actually enter PSH at all, the Destination should be corrected.",
rrh_check_exit_destination = "This Household has a Move-In Date into an RRH program that matches their Exit from your program, but the Exit Destination from your program does not indicate that the Household exited to Rapid Rehousing. If the Household exited to a Destination that was not 'Rental by Client', but it is a permanent destination attained through a Rapid Rehousing program, then there is no change needed. If this is not the case, then the Destination should be 'Rental by Client, with RRH or equivalent subsidy'.",
rrh_missing_stay = "The Exit Destination for this Household indicates that they exited to Rapid Rehousing, but there is no RRH program enrollment for the Client. If the RRH program the Household exited to is outside of the Balance of State or Mahoning County CoCs, then no correction is necessary. If they received RRH services in the Balance of State or Mahoning County CoCs, then this Household is missing their RRH program enrollment. If they did not actually receive RRH services at all, the Destination should be corrected.",
services_rent_paid_no_move_in = "This Client does not have a valid Move-In Date, but there is at least one rent/deposit payment Service Transaction recorded for this program. Until a Move-In Date is entered, this Client will continue to be counted as literally homeless while in your program. Move-in dates must be on or after the Enrollment Date. If a Client is housed then returns to homelessness while in your program, they need to be exited from their original Enrollment and re-entered in a new one that has no Move-In Date until they are re-housed.",
sh_check_exit_destination = "This Household appears to have an Entry into a Safe Haven that overlaps their Exit from your project, but the Exit Destination from your project does not indicate that the Household exited to a Safe Haven. The correct Destination for Households entering SH from your project is 'Safe Haven'.",
sh_missing_project_stay = "The Exit Destination for this Household indicates that they exited to a Safe Haven, but there is no Entry in HMIS into a Safe Haven. Keep in mind that there is only one Safe Haven in the Balance of State and they are no longer operating as of 1/1/2021. If you meant to indicate that the Household exited to a Domestic Violence shelter, please select 'Emergency shelter'.",
invalid_ssn = "The Social Security Number does not conform with standards set by the Social Security Administration. This includes rules like every SSN is exactly 9 digits and cannot have certain number patterns. (Note, last four digits of SSN is acceptable unless it's an SSVF or ODH funded project.) Correct by navigating to the Client's Profile, click the shield next to the Client's SSN, click the Edit link.",
th_check_exit_destination = "This Household appears to have an Enrollment into a Transitional Housing program that overlaps their Exit from your program, but the Exit Destination from your program does not indicate that the Household exited to Transitional Housing. The correct Destination for Households entering TH from your program is 'Transitional housing for homeless persons (including homeless youth)'.",
th_missing_stay = "The Exit Destination for this Household indicates that they exited to Transitional Housing, but there is no TH program enrollment for the Client. If the TH program that the Household exited to is outside of the Balance of State or Mahoning County CoCs or is HMIS Non-Participating, then no correction is necessary. If they went into a TH program in the Balance of State or Mahoning County CoCs, then this Household is missing their TH program stay. If they did not actually enter Transitional Housing at all, the Destination should be corrected.",
th_stayers_bos = "This Client is showing as an outlier for Length of Stay for this program type in your CoC. Please verify that this Client is still in your program. If they are, be sure there are no alternative permanent housing solutions for this Client. If the Client is no longer in your program, please enter their Exit Date as the closest estimation of the day they left your program.",
check_vet_status = "You have Household exited to a destination for which only veterans are eligible, but the Head of Household does not have a Veteran Status indicating they are a veteran. Either the Veteran Status is incorrect or the Destination is incorrect.",
vax_incorrect_manufacturer = "If vaccine information was collected via Healthcare Provider or vaccine card, then the vaccine manufacturer should be known and updated in HMIS.",
vax_unknown_manufacturer = "If the client does not know the manufacturer of the vaccine, please try to find another source for the information. Reporting relies heavily on knowing the manufacturer of the vaccine your client received. If you absolutely cannot find it, it is ok to leave as is.")
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