cwi 1.8.0

cwi 1.7.1

cwi 1.7.0

Moved add_logo to the stylehaven package.

cwi 1.6.3

Bumping package versions just to draw attention to the fact that there's now a set of PUMA proxy crosswalks; see proxy_pumas.

cwi 1.6.2

Edit xwalk---there were still more FIPS codes to update with their COG-based versions. The data frame now includes COG-based codes for block groups, tracts, towns, and PUMAs.

cwi 1.6.1

Bump ACS-related defaults to 2022

cwi 1.6.0

MINOR BREAKING CHANGE: This update corresponds to the 2022 ACS data release, which is the first to use COGs instead of counties. Because COGs have different FIPS codes, town and tract FIPS codes (but apparently not block groups) have changed to match. The bulk of their code digits stay the same, but the portion signifying the county changed, e.g. 09009140101 is now 09170140101. To deal with that without breaking too much code, there are a few changes to the package:

cwi 1.5.0

cwi 1.4.0

cwi 1.3.0

cwi 1.2.0

cwi 1.1.3

cwi 1.1.2

cwi 1.1.1

Bugfix: occupational codes have larger groups and smaller groups. One larger group (Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations) was mislabeled so it was marked as being under Education, Legal, Community Service, Arts, and Media Occupations.

cwi 1.1.0

Some updates to 2020

cwi 1.0.0

Major exciting overhaul! This was the first time I felt like enough of this package is flexible and well thought out to consider it a real release. A lot of the changes are under the hood--I split a lot of functions into slimmed-down main "caller" functions and multiple task-focused "helper" functions, making it easier to maintain the package, add or modify features, and use the same code for multiple tasks.

User-facing updates

Breaking changes

To do

cwi 0.4.5

cwi 0.4.4

cwi 0.4.3

cwi 0.4.2

Since the 2020 ACS is delayed, I decided we should still have copies of 2019 geography-related files. This should be temporary, but for now there are 2 versions of the tract shapefile (tract_sf and tract_sf19), and 2 versions of each neighborhood-tract weight table (e.g. new_haven_tracts and new_haven_tracts19, and so on). Once all the data is out, I'll remove the 2019 versions and bump up the package version.

cwi 0.4.1

cwi 0.4.0

cwi 0.3.2

cwi 0.3.1

cwi 0.3.0

cwi 0.2.0

cwi 0.1.3

cwi 0.1.2

cwi 0.1.1

cwi 0.1.0

CT-Data-Haven/cwi documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:45 a.m.