  fig.height = 3,
  fig.width = 6,
  message = TRUE,
  warning = FALSE,
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  dpi = 150

The tables I'm working with are B01003, total population; B03002, race and Latino ethnicity; and B25003, housing tenure. It's easiest to save these in a named list, then map over the list calling multi_geo_acs() for each table number.

yr <- 2020
table_nums <- list(
  total_pop = "B01003",
  race = "B03002",
  tenure = "B25003"

Fetching data from ACS

I'm pulling out the entries in the cwi dataset cwi::regions (a list) to only include the Greater New Haven-area ones. Then I fetch the ACS tables for those regions, their towns, and New Haven County.

gnh_regions <- regions[c("Greater New Haven", "New Haven Inner Ring", "New Haven Outer Ring")]

gnh_data <- map(table_nums, multi_geo_acs,
  year = yr, towns = regions$`Greater New Haven`,
  regions = gnh_regions, counties = "New Haven", state = "09", sleep = 1


Neighborhoods with corresponding tracts or block groups are included for 4 cities (see neighborhood_tracts). Pass those to get neighborhood-level aggregates.

  towns = "New Haven", counties = "New Haven",
  neighborhoods = new_haven_tracts,
  nhood_geoid = "geoid",
  year = yr

Aggregating and analyzing data

The total population data is very straightforward, as it only has one variable, B01003_001. The tibble returned has the GEOID, except for custom geographies like regions; the name of each geography, including the names of each region; the variable codes; estimates; margins of error at the default 90\% confidence level; the geographic level, numbered in order of decreasing size; and the counties of the towns.

The race and ethnicity table will require some calculations, using the brilliantly-titled camiller package:

gnh_data$race |>
  label_acs(year = yr) |>
  group_by(level, county, name) |>
  add_grps(list(total = 1, white = 3, black = 4, latino = 12, other = 5:9), group = label) |>
  calc_shares(group = label, denom = "total")

With the tenure table, it's easiest to separate the labels by "!!". Here the table can be wrangled into shares of households that are owner-occupied.

homeownership <- gnh_data$tenure |>
  label_acs(year = yr) |>
  separate(label, into = c("total", "tenure"), sep = "!!", fill = "left") |>
  select(level, name, tenure, estimate) |>
  group_by(level, name) |>
  calc_shares(group = tenure, denom = "Total") |>
  filter(tenure == "Owner occupied")


Visual sketches

geo_level_plot() gives a quick visual overview of the homeownership rates, highlighting town-level values.

homeownership |>
  geo_level_plot(value = share, hilite = "darkslateblue", type = "point")

acs_quick_map() gives a quick map sketch of the rates. This function uses the Jenks algorithm for making breaks with jenks(). This algorithm is well suited for visually displaying larger inequalities, but the number of breaks you give it won't necessarily be the number of breaks returned.This function lets us see whether there's a geographic distribution of this data with minimal work.

tenure_map <- homeownership |>
  filter(level == "4_town") |>
    value = share, level = "town", color = "black", linewidth = 0.4,
    title = "Homeownership, Greater New Haven", palette = "BuPu"


Since this returns a ggplot object with sf data, we can add additional ggplot functions, such as labeling, themes, or additional scales or geoms.

tenure_map +
  labs(subtitle = stringr::str_glue("By town, {yr}")) +
  geom_sf(data = . %>% filter(name == "New Haven"), fill = NA, color = "black", linewidth = 1.5)

Batch output

Say as part of a pipeline, you need to do some calculations, write different sections of a data frame to CSV files to pass along to a colleague or refer to later, and then continue on to some more calculations. batch_csv_dump() takes either a list of data frames or a data frame plus a column to split by, and writes out a set of CSV files, then lets you move along to the next step in your pipeline.

For example, I need to pull a table of populations by age group for several regions of Connecticut. I don't need to split populations by gender, so I'll add up male and female populations for each age group. I don't actually need to more detailed age groups now, but I need to stash them in files for later, so I'll aggregate, write a bunch of files, and then aggregate into broader age groups that I need for my current work.

new_haven_regions <- regions[c(
  "Greater New Haven", "New Haven Inner Ring",
  "New Haven Outer Ring", "Lower Naugatuck Valley",
  "Greater Waterbury"

age <- multi_geo_acs(
  table = "B01001", year = yr, towns = NULL,
  regions = new_haven_regions,
  counties = c("New Haven County", "Fairfield County")
) |>
  label_acs(year = yr) |>
  # shortcut around tidyr::separate
  separate_acs(into = c("sex", "age"), drop_total = TRUE) |>
  filter(! |>
  mutate(age = forcats::as_factor(age)) |>
  group_by(name, level, age) |>
  summarise(estimate = sum(estimate)) |>

age |>
  split(~name) |>
  batch_csv_dump(base_name = "pop_by_age", bind = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) |>
  group_by(level, name) |>
  camiller::add_grps(list(ages00_04 = 1, ages05_17 = 2:4, ages00_17 = 1:4),
    group = age, value = estimate
  ) |>
  arrange(level, name, age)

Employment trends

Quarterly Workforce Indicators

I'm also interested in learning about employment by industry over the past several years. qwi_industry() fetches county-level data by industry over time, either quarterly or annually. Here I'll look at annual averages of all industries for South Central COG and Connecticut over the past 16 years. I'm filtering out the industry code "00", which is the counts for all industries.

scc_employment <- qwi_industry(2002:2018, counties = "170", annual = TRUE) |>
  mutate(location = "South Central COG")
ct_employment <- qwi_industry(2002:2018, annual = T) |>
  mutate(location = "Connecticut")
employment <- bind_rows(scc_employment, ct_employment) |>
  filter(industry != "00") |>
  inner_join(naics_codes |> select(-ind_level), by = "industry")


Next, say I want to look at the industries that were largest in the South Central COG in 2018, and see how those have changed both for the COG and statewide over this time period. I'll filter employment, get the industries with the largest numbers of employees, then filter employment for just those industries and plot it.

top2018 <- employment |>
  filter(year == 2018, county == "170") |>
  top_n(8, emp) |>

employment |>
  filter(industry %in% top2018) |>
  mutate(label = stringr::str_sub(label, 1, 25)) |>
  mutate(Emp_1k = emp / 1000) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = Emp_1k, color = label)) +
  geom_line() +
    x = "Year", y = "Employees (thousands)", title = "Employment by industry",
    subtitle = "Connecticut and South Central COG, 2002-2018", color = "Industry"
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
  facet_wrap(vars(location), scales = "free_y")

Update 11/2021: The QWI API was broken for a little while. It's up again, but all the payroll data is missing. This code should still be valid if it ever gets returned.

If I'm interested in changes in wages over this period, I can use the adj_inflation() function. This takes a data frame, the name of the column containing dollar amounts, and a base year, then adds two columns for the inflation adjustment factor and the adjusted value.

employment |>
  filter(industry %in% top2018) |>
  mutate(label = stringr::str_sub(label, 1, 25)) |>
  mutate(avg_wage = Payroll / Emp) |>
  adj_inflation(value = avg_wage, base_year = 2018, year = year) |>
  mutate(adj_wage_1k = round(adj_avg_wage / 1000)) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = adj_wage_1k, color = label)) +
  geom_line() +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::dollar) +
    x = "Year", y = "Average annual wages (thousands)",
    title = "Average annual wages by industry (adjusted to 2018 dollars)",
    subtitle = "Connecticut and New Haven County, 2002-2018", color = "Industry"
  ) +
  theme_minimal() +
  facet_wrap(vars(location), scales = "free_y")

Now we have a visual that shows that in a few industries, wages have climbed over the past several years, but in many industries, wages haven't increased except by inflation.

Local Area Unemployment Statistics

To look at unemployment rates over time, I can use laus_trend(). The LAUS covers smaller geographies than the QWI, so laus_trend() is set up to find data by a combination of state, counties, or towns. The LAUS API returns monthly data on labor force counts, employment counts, unemployed counts, and unemployment rate; laus_trend() lets you specify which of these measures to fetch.

```r unemployment <- laus_trend(c("New Haven", "New Haven County", "Connecticut"), startyear = 2000, endyear = 2018, measures = "unemployment rate" ) |> mutate(unemployment_rate = unemployment_rate / 100) |> select(area, date, value = unemployment_rate)


unemp_plot <- ggplot(unemployment, aes(x = date, y = value, group = area, color = area)) + geom_line() + geom_smooth(se = FALSE, method = "loess", linewidth = 0.8) unemp_plot

CT-Data-Haven/cwi documentation built on July 1, 2024, 7:45 a.m.