
#' Ethnobotany data set.
#' An ethnobotany dataset from 20 informants, four species and 10 uses
#' column 1 'informant' lists the names or id's of  knowledge holders
#' column 2 'sp_name' lists the names or id's of species
#' The other 10 columns are the identified ethnobotany use categories.
#' The data is populated with counts of uses per person (0 and 1 values).
#' @keywords misc survey
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 80 rows and 12 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{informant}{anonymized id's of 20 knowledge holders}
#'   \item{sp_name}{id's of four species}
#'   \item{Use_1}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   \item{Use_2}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   \item{Use_3}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   \item{Use_4}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   \item{Use_5}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   \item{Use_6}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   \item{Use_7}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   \item{Use_8}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   \item{Use_9}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   \item{Use_10}{one of the categorized uses of species, 0 and 1 values}
#'   ...
#' }
CWWhitney/ethnobotanyR documentation built on June 8, 2024, 8:48 p.m.