
#' Longitudinal data on cognitive and physical aging in the elderly
#' The dataset consists in a subsample of the Paquid prospective cohort study.
#' Repeated measures cognitive measures (MMSE, IST, BVRT psychometric tests),
#' physical dependency (HIER) and depression sympatomatology (CESD) were
#' collected over a maximum period of 20 years along with dementia information
#' (age at dementia diagnosis, dementia diagnosis information).
#' Time-independent socio-demographic information is also provided (CEP, male,
#' age_init).
#' @name paquid
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 2250 observations over 500 subjects and 12
#' variables: \describe{ \item{ID}{subject identification number}
#' \item{MMSE}{score at the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), a
#' psychometric test of global cognitive functioning (integer in range 0-30)}
#' \item{BVRT}{score at the Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT), a
#' psychometric test of spatial memory (integer in range 0-15)}
#' \item{IST}{score at the Isaacs Set Test (IST) truncated at 15
#' seconds, a test of verbal memory (integer in range 0-40)}
#' \item{HIER}{score of physical dependency (0=no dependency, 1=mild
#' dependency, 2=moderate dependency, 3=severe dependency)}
#' \item{CESD}{score of a short self-report scale CES-D designed to
#' measure depressive symptomatology in the general population (integer in
#' range 0-52)} \item{age}{age at the follow-up visit}
#' \item{dem}{indicator of positive diagnosis of dementia}
#' \item{agedem}{age at dementia diagnosis for \code{dem=1} and at last
#' contact for \code{dem=0}} \item{age_init}{age at entry in the
#' cohort} \item{CEP}{binary indicator of educational level
#' (\code{CEP=1} for subjects who graduated from primary school; \code{CEP=0}
#' otherwise)} \item{male}{binary indicator for gender (\code{male=1}
#' for men; \code{male=0} for women)} }
#' @references Letenneur, L., Commenges, D., Dartigues, J. F., &
#' Barberger-Gateau, P. (1994). Incidence of dementia and Alzheimer's disease
#' in elderly community residents of southwestern France. International Journal
#' of Epidemiology, 23 (6), 1256-61.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#' summary(paquid)
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