Man pages for CenterForAssessment/SGP
Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories

abcSGPPerform 6 step sequence: prepareSGP, analyzeSGP, combineSGP,...
analyzeSGPAnalyze student data to produce student growth percentiles...
baselineSGPAnalyze student data to produce student growth percentiles...
bubblePlotCore bubblePlot function for SGP
bubblePlot_StylesbubblePlot_Styles providing various uses of the core...
capwordsFunction for converting all caps to mixed case. Useful in...
combineSGPCombine student data and SGP results
courseProgressionSGPIdentify potential course progressions for SGP analyses
createKnotsBoundariesFunction to create Knots and Boundaries from supplied data in...
getStateAbbreviationFunction for converting state/organization abbreviations to...
gofPrintFunction to produce Goodness of Fit plots from a SGP object.
gofSGPFunction for producing goodness of fit plots using existing...
growthAchievementPlotgrowthAchievementPlot for SGP
outputSGPOutput student data and SGP results for a variety of purposes
prepareSGPPrepare data for SGP analyses
rliSGPWrapper function associated with SGP analyses for Renaissance...
setNamesSGPFunction for renaming data (typically from 'outputSGP') from...
SGP-classClass "SGP"
SGP-packageSGP: Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth...
SGPstateDataState assessment program data from large scale state...
splineMatrix-classClass "splineMatrix"
studentGrowthPercentilesStudent Growth Percentiles
studentGrowthPlotCreate a student growth and achievement chart
studentGrowthPlot_StylesstudentGrowthPlot_Styles providing base templates for the...
studentGrowthProjectionsStudent Growth Projections
summarizeSGPSummarize student scale scores, proficiency levels and...
testSGPTest SGP Package functions
updateSGPFunction to update SGP object with additional year's analyses
visualizeSGPVisualize data from SGP analyses
CenterForAssessment/SGP documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 6:31 p.m.