summarizeSGP: Summarize student scale scores, proficiency levels and...

summarizeSGPR Documentation

Summarize student scale scores, proficiency levels and student growth percentiles according to user specified summary group variables


Utility function used to produce summary tables using long formatted data that contain student growth percentiles. An exemplar is provided from the successive execution of prepareSGP, analyzeSGP and combineSGP.





An object of class SGP containing long formatted data in the @Data slot. If summaries of student growth percentiles are requested, those quantities must first be produced (possibly by first using analyzeSGP) and subsequently combined with the @Data data (possibly with combineSGP).


Acronym indicating state associated with the summaries for access to assessment program information embedded in SGPstateData.


A character vector indicating year(s) in which to produce summary tables associated with student growth percentile and percentile growth trajectory/projection analyses. If missing the function will use the data to calculate years and produce summaries for the most recent three years.


A character vector indicating content area(s) in which to produce student growth percentiles and/or student growth projections/trajectories. If missing the function will use the data to infer the content area(s) available for analyses.


A list giving the summaries requested for each group analyzed based upon the argument. The default (produced internal to summarizeSGP) summaries include:

MEDIAN_SGP The group level median student growth percentile.
MEDIAN_SGP_COUNT The number of students used to compute the median.
PERCENT_AT_ABOVE_PROFICIENT The percentage of students at or above proficient.
PERCENT_AT_ABOVE_PROFICIENT_COUNT The number of students used to compute the percentage at/above proficient.
PERCENT_AT_ABOVE_PROFICIENT_PRIOR The percentage of students at or above proficient in the prior year.
PERCENT_AT_ABOVE_PROFICIENT_PRIOR_COUNT The number of students used to compute the percentage at/above proficient in the prior year.

NOTE: The internal function percent_in_category() summary function requires a variable that MUST be a factor with proficiency categories as levels. The function utilizes the SGPstateData with the provided state name in an attempt to identify achievement levels and whether or not they are considered proficient.


A list consisting of 8 elements indicating the types of groups across which all summaries are taken (Inclusion means that summaries will be calculated for levels of the associated variable). For state data, if the list is not explicitly provided, the function will attempt to determine levels based upon meta data supplied in the @Names slot of the provided SGP object. See prepareSGP for more information on supplied meta-data.

institution: State, District and/or School.
content area: Variable indicating content area (default is CONTENT_AREA) if content area summaries are of interest.
time: Variable indicating time (default is YEAR) if time summaries are of interest. NOTE: Cross year (i.e., multi-year) summaries default to 3 years.
institution_type: Variable(s) indicating the type of institution institution (default EMH_LEVEL) if summaries by institution type is of interest.
institution_level: Variable(s) indicating levels within the institution (default GRADE) if summaries by institution level is of interest.
demographic: Demographics variables if summaries by demographic subgroup are of interest.
institution_inclusion: Variables indicating inclusion for institutional calculations.
growth_only_summary: Variables indicating whether to calculate summaries only for those students with growth in addition to other analyses.

All group slots MUST be included in the list, although NULL can be provided if a grouping subset is not desired. All possible combinations of the group variables are produced.


A list consisting of information used to calculate group confidence intervals:

TYPE: Either Bootstrap (default) or CSEM indicating Bootstrap confidence interval calculation (the default) or conditional standard error of measurement based confidence interval calculation (experimental).
VARIABLES: The variables on which to calculate confidence intervals (default is SGP).
QUANTILES The desired confidence quantiles.
GROUP The group summaries for which confidence intervals should be constructed.
content The content area variable if confidence intervals by content area are desired.
time The time variable (default is YEAR) if confidence intervals by time period are desired.
institution_type The institution type variables (e.g., EMH_LEVEL, default is EMH_LEVEL) if confidence intervals by institution level are desired.
institution_level The institution level variables (e.g., GRADE, default is NULL) if confidence intervals by institution level are desired.
demographic The demographic variables if confidence intervals by demographic subgroups are desired.
institution_inclusion The institution inclusion variables if confidence intervals by institution inclusion subgroups are desired.
growth_only_summary The growth only summary variables if confidence intervals by growth only summary group are desired.

For CSEM analysis this argument requires that simulated SGPs have been produced (see analyzeSGP for more information). List slots set to NULL will not produce confidence intervals. NOTE: This is currently an experimental functionality and is very memory intensive. Groups to be included should be identified selectively! The default 95% confidence intervals are provided in the selected summary tables as two additional columns named LOWER_MEDIAN_SGP_95_CONF_BOUND and UPPER_MEDIAN_SGP_95_CONF_BOUND.


A Boolean variable, defaults to FALSE, indicating whether the function should produce ALL possible summary table. By default, a set of approximately 70 tables are produced that are used in other parts of the packages (e.g., bubblePlots).


A Boolean variable, defaults to FALSE, indicating whether the function should utilize baseline sgp for summary table production. By default, a set of approximately 100 tables are produced that are used in other parts of the packages (e.g., bubblePlots).

An integer/NULL argument (defaults to NULL) indicating SGP_TARGET variables to summarize based upon years projected forward. Default is years for projections used by state (or 3 years) which is what is generally used by most states.


A Boolean argument, defaults to FALSE, indicating whether to save the @Summary slot (if not NULL) prior to calculating new summaries. By defaulting to FALSE, the function overwrites previous (e.g., last year's summaries) summaries.


A character vector indicating the highest level for summary groups, defaults to 'STATE'.


A named list with, at a minimum, two elements indicating 1) the BACKEND package to be used for parallel computation and 2) the WORKERS list to specify the number of processors to be used in each major analysis. The BACKEND element can be set = to FOREACH or PARALLEL. Please consult the manuals and vignettes for information of these packages! The analyzeSGP help page contains more thorough explanation and examples of the parallel.config setup.

TYPE is a third element of the parallel.config list that provides necessary information when using FOREACH or PARALLEL packages as the backend. With BACKEND="FOREACH", the TYPE element specifies the flavor of 'foreach' backend. As of version 1.0-1.0, only "doParallel" is supported. TYPE=NA (default) produces summaries sequentially. If BACKEND = "PARALLEL", the parallel package will be used. This package combines deprecated parallel packages snow and multicore. Using the "snow" implementation of parallel the function will create a cluster object based on the TYPE element specified and the number of workers requested (see WORKERS list description below). The TYPE element indicates the users preferred cluster type (either "PSOCK" for socket cluster of "MPI" for an OpenMPI cluster). If Windows is the operating system, this "snow" implementation must be used and the TYPE element must = "PSOCK". Defaults are assigned based on operating system if TYPE is missing based on system OS. Unix/Mac OS defaults to the "multicore" to avoid worker node pre-scheduling and appears to be more efficient in these operating systems.

The WORKERS element is a list with SUMMARY specifying the number of processors (nodes) desired or available. For example, SUMMARY=2 may be used on a dual core machine to use both cores available. (NOTE: choice of the number of cores is a balance between the number of processors available and the amount of RAM a system has; each system will be different and may require some adjustment).

Default is FOREACH as the back end, TYPE=NA and WORKERS=1, which produces summary tables sequentially: 'list(BACKEND="FOREACH", TYPE=NA, WORKERS=list(SUMMARY=1))'

Example parallel use cases are provided below.


Function makes use of the foreach package to parallel process summary tables of student data. The proper choice of parallel backend is dependent upon the user's operating system, software and system memory capacity. Please see the foreach documentation for details. By default, the function will process the summary tables sequentially.


Function returns lists containing the summary tables as data.table objects in the @Summary slot of the SGP data object. Each institution has a slot in the @Summary list.


Damian W. Betebenner and Adam Van Iwaarden

See Also

prepareSGP, analyzeSGP, combineSGP


## Not run: 
## summarizeSGP is Step 4 of 5 of abcSGP
Demonstration_SGP <- sgpData_LONG
Demonstration_SGP <- prepareSGP(Demonstration_SGP)
Demonstration_SGP <- analyzeSGP(Demonstration_SGP)
Demonstration_SGP <- combineSGP(Demonstration_SGP)
Demonstration_SGP <- summarizeSGP(Demonstration_SGP)

###  Example uses of the parallel.config argument

##  Windows users  must use the parallel package and R version >= 2.13:
#  Note the number of workers is 8, and PSOCK type cluster is used.
#  This example is would be good for a single workstation with 8 cores.
	. . .
	. . .

#  doParallel package - only available with R 2.13 or newer
	. . .
		BACKEND="FOREACH", TYPE="doParallel",
	. . .

##  parallel package - only available with R 2.13 or newer
#  Note the number of workers is 50, and MPI is used,
#  suggesting this example is for a HPC cluster usage.
	. . .
	. . .

#  NOTE:  This list of parallel.config specifications is NOT exhaustive.
#  See examples in analyzeSGP documentation for some others.

## End(Not run)

CenterForAssessment/SGP documentation built on Aug. 28, 2024, 6:31 p.m.