hydrograph: Plots hydrograph of CRHM output and/or WSC daily and/or peak...

View source: R/hydrograph.R

hydrographR Documentation

Plots hydrograph of CRHM output and/or WSC daily and/or peak flows


Creates a ggplot hydrograph from any of CRHM flows, WSC daily flows and/or WSC peak flows.


  CRHMflows = NULL,
  CRHMflowsLabels = "",
  CRHMcols = NULL,
  CRHMdaily = FALSE,
  WSCdailyFlowsID = NULL,
  WSCdailyFlowsLabel = "",
  WSCpeakFlowsID = NULL,
  WSCpeakFlowsLabel = "",
  forceMissingPeakTimes = FALSE,
  commonTime = FALSE,
  fakeDates = FALSE,
  quiet = TRUE,
  hydat_path = NULL



Optional. A data frame of CRHM modelled flows. The flows must be in m^3/s. Remember to divide interval flows by their length in seconds, i.e. 3600 if hourly.


Optional. Labels for the CRHM data. If not specified, and CRHM data are plotted, then the name(s) of the CRHM variables will be used.


Required. Column(s) containing the flowrates. As always, the numbers do not include the datetime.


Optional. Should CRHM flows be plotted as daily values? Default is FALSE.


Optional. If NULL (the default) the WSC daily flows will not be plotted. If a WSC station ID is specified , e.g. WSCdailyFlowsID = "05CC001", then the daily flows will be obtained from tidyhydat and plotted.


Optional. Labels for the daily flows. If not specified, then the WSC station number will be used, followed by daily.


Optional. If NULL (the default) the WSC peak flows will not be plotted. If a WSC station number is specified , e.g. WSCpeakFlows = "05CC001", then the daily flows will be obtained from tidyhydat and plotted.


Optional. Labels for the annual peak flows. If not specified, then the WSC station ID will be used, followed by annual peak.


Optional. Some peaks may be missing their time of day and/or time zone. If TRUE, the missing peak times will be set to noon on the date of record. The missing time zone will be set to that of the other values or the user's time zone if there are none specified. If FALSE (the default value) peaks missing times and/or timezones will be deleted from the plot.


Optional. If set to TRUE then the hydrographs will only plotted over their common time range. Default is FALSE.


Optional. If set to TRUE then all dates have their year replaced with 2000, and the a ctual year is added as a variable in the plotted data. This allows the plot to be faceted by year, as shown in the examples.


Optional. Suppresses display of messages, except for errors. If you are calling this function in an R script, you will usually leave quiet=TRUE (i.e. the default). If you are working interactively, you will probably want to set quiet=FALSE.


Optional. Path to the HYDAT database. This can usually be left blank.


If successful, returns a ggplot2 object. If unsuccessful, returns an error.


The CRHM flows are plotted as lines, the daily flows are plotted as steps, and the annual peaks are plotted as points.


Kevin Shook


## Not run: 
p <- hydrograph(CRHMflows = "BadLakeModelOutput", CRHMflowsLabels = "CRHM Bad Lake model",
  CRHMcols = 1, WSCpeakFlowsID = "05HF014")
# once the ggplot graph has been returned, it can easily be modified:
mintime <- as.POSIXct(as.Date("1975-04-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "etc/GMT+6")
maxtime <- as.POSIXct(as.Date("1975-04-30", format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "etc/GMT+6")
# load in all of ggplot2 to modify plots
# library(ggplot2)
p <- p + xlim(mintime, maxtime) + ylim(0, 4)

# re-plot with fake dates
p2 <- hydrograph(
  CRHMflows = "BadLakeModelOutput", CRHMflowsLabels = "CRHM Bad Lake model",
  CRHMcols = 1, WSCdailyFlowsID = "05HF014", WSCpeakFlowsID = "05HF014",
  commonTime = TRUE, fakeDates = TRUE
p2 <- p2 + facet_wrap(~year, scales = "free_y", ncol = 8)
# set axis limits to be the specified date range, and set labels to be the month names
mintime <- as.POSIXct(as.Date("2000-03-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "etc/GMT+6")
maxtime <- as.POSIXct(as.Date("2000-06-30", format = "%Y-%m-%d"), tz = "etc/GMT+6")
p2 <- p2 + scale_x_datetime(date_breaks = "1 month", limits = c(mintime, maxtime),
date_labels = "%b")

## End(Not run)

CentreForHydrology/CRHMr documentation built on April 6, 2024, 5:27 p.m.