Man pages for CentreForHydrology/CRHMr
Pre- and post- processing for CRHM

aggDataframeAggregates a data frame to a shorter time period
appendObsAppends two CRHM obs data frames
assembleObsAssembles two CRHM obs data frames
automatePrjAutomates a CRHM .prj file
BadLake7376Observed meteorological data for Bad Lake
basinWaterBalancePlotStacked plot of yearly water balance variables
changeEatoRHChanges Ea values to RH in a CRHM data frame
changeRHtoEaChanges RH values to Ea in a CRHM dataframe
convertDPtoRHConverts dew point temperature and ambient temperature to RH
createObsDataframeCreates an empty data fame for CRHM obs
CRHMr-packageContains functions to perform pre- and post- processing on...
CRHM_summarySummarizes a 'CRHMr' data frame
CRHM_varsCRHM variables
cumsumDataframeCumulative sums for a data frame
cumulativeDischargePlotPlots cumulative CRHM and/or WSC flows
cumulDailyWaterCumulative water fluxes
dailyByHourlyPDistributes daily precipitation according to hourly values
datetimeToDateConverts an R datetime to a date
dateToDatetimeConverts an R date to a datetime
deDupeRemoves duplicated datetimes in obs data frame
deleteFlatLinesDeletes values in a obs dataframe column that have a flatline
deletePrjHRUsRemoves specified HRUs from .prj file
deleteSpikesDeletes spikes in an obs data frame
deltaStorageCalculates changes in storage over specified intervals
distributeInstDistribute instantaneous values
distributeMeanDistribute mean values
distributePDistributes total precipitation over intervals
distributeQliDistributes incoming longwave radiation to shorter time...
distributeQsiDistributes incoming shortwave radiation to shorter time...
doubleMassCalculates double mass values
emissivityCalculates atmospheric emissivity
extendObsExtends an obs data frame
fakeDateReturns fake date using specified year
fakeDateHydroyearCalculates fake date for hydrological year
fakeDatetimeCalculates fake datetime
fakeDatetimeHydroyearCalculates fake datetime for hydrological year
findDupesFinds duplicated datetimes in obs dataframe
findFlatLinesFinds values in a obs dataframe column that have a flatline
findGapsFinds gaps in obs variables
findSpikesFinds spikes in an obs data frame
GMToffsetFinds offset in hours from UTC for given time zone.
hruGroupWaterSummarySummarize daily CRHM water outputs by HRU group
hydrographPlots hydrograph of CRHM output and/or WSC daily and/or peak...
hydroYearReturns a vector of the hydrological year for the input data...
imputeImputes CRHM obs values
insertMissingInserts missing datetimes
interpolateFills missing obs values by interpolation
keepGoodKeeps rows where there are some obs values
list2dfConverts a list of vectors to a data frame.
logActionWrites a comment to the 'CRHMr' log file
longwaveCalculates incoming longwave radiation
makeRegularMakes the datetimes of an obs data frame fit the time step...
maxObsSets maximum values for an obs data frame
minObsSets minimum values for an obs data frame
monthlyPrecipTotalsReturns mean monthly precipitation totals
monthlyQQplotQuantile-quantile plot by month
nancumsumFinds cumulative sum of non-missing values in an array
parseNumsParses a string containing numbers
parseTextParses a string containing several sub-strings
PcpFiltPosThCleans up a cumulative precipitation time series
phaseCorrectCorrects precipitation for undercatch and calculates phase
phivWater vapour density (ASHRAE,1993)[gm-3]
phivtSaturated water vapour density (ASHRAE,1993)[gm-3]
plot2runsPlots the results from two CRHM runs
plotObsCreates a 'ggplot' object from an obs data frame
plotPrecipsByYearCreates a 'ggplot2' object of cumulative precips by year
plotTempsByYearCreates a 'ggplot2' object of daily mean air temps by year
qair2eaConverts specific humidity to vapour pressure.
qqplotValuesCalculates quantile values for a Quantile-Quantile plot
readCampbellReads in Campbell datalogger data
readCLASSfileReads forcing data from CLASS formatted file
readDebugFileReads in CRHM debug file
readExportFileReads exported CRHM output into a data frame
readObsFileReads a CRHM obs fileinto a dataframe
readOutputFileReads CRHM model output into a data frame
readOutputUnitsReads variable units
readPrjDimensionsReades the dimensions from a .prj file
readPrjHRUnamesReads names of HRUs from .prj file
readPrjMatrixReads maxtrix of specified parameter from .prj file
readPrjModuleNamesReads names of modules from .prj files
readPrjModuleParamsReads all parameters for all HRUs
readPrjNumValsReads numeric values from a CRHM project text object
readPrjOutputVariablesReads output variables from a CRHM model '.prj' file
readPrjParametersReads values of specified parameter from .prj file
readPrjTextValsReads text values from a CRHM project text object
regressRegresses one set of CRHM observations against another
replacePrjParametersReplaces the parameter values in a CRHM model '.prj' file
rh2vpConverts air temperature and relative humidity to vapour...
ribbonPlotAirTempsPlots min, max and mean air temperatures for each day of the...
runCRHMRuns a CRHM model
saturatedVPConverts calculates saturated vapour pressure from air...
setPrjBasinNameSets the basin name in a CRHM model '.prj' file
setPrjDatesSets the model run start and end dates in a CRHM model '.prj'...
setPrjDimensionsSets model dimensions in .prj file
setPrjHRUnamesSets the names of HRUs in a CRHM model '.prj' file
setPrjMatrixSets the matrix of parameter values in a CRHM model '.prj'...
setPrjObsSets the names of the obs files in a CRHM model '.prj' file
setPrjOutputVariablesSets the output variables in a CRHM model '.prj' file
setPrjParametersSets the parameter values in a CRHM model '.prj' file
setPrjRunIDSets the Run ID in a CRHM model '.prj' file
simpleDailyWaterAggregates simple CRHM model output flows to daily values
simpleMaxSolarEstimates extra-terrestrial shortwave radiation
simpleRibbonPlotSimple plots of CRHM output max, min and mean values
summariseObsFilesSummarises all obs files in a directory
timestep.hoursFinds time interval between two datetime values in hours
tMinMaxToHourlyConverts daily to hourly temperatures
trimObsTrims a dataframe of missing values at the beginning and end
userLogs information about the user
vectorsToVelocityConvert wind vectors to velocity
vp2rhConverts air temperature and vapour pressure to relative...
weighingGauge1Fills gaps in weighing gauge precipitation data
weighingGauge2Removes spikes from weighing gauge cumulative precipitation
weighingGauge3Filters weighing gauge cumulative precipitation
weighingGauge4Runs Alan Barr's filter on weighing gauge cumulative...
weighingGauge5Simplified weighing gauge processing
weighingGauge-functionsProcesses weighing gauge precipitation
weighingGaugeIntervalDeaccumulates weighing gauge precipitation
weighingGaugePlotPlots weighing gauge precipitation
wellHydrographPlots hydrograph of daily well depths
wetland_h_sCalculates Hayashi-van der Kamp parameters for a Prairie...
wetland-methodsProcesses CRHM wetland (depressional-storage) model outputs
wetland_pond_areaCalculates Hayashi-van der Kamp area of water in a Prairie...
wetland_pond_depthCalculates Hayashi-van der Kamp maximum depth of water in a...
wetland_pond_sizeEstimates pond area, depth and perimeter (circular)
wgSynthetic weighing precipitation gauge data
win.eolGets the Windows end of line characters
writeChangeLogFileWrites information about changes to a 'CRHMr' dataframe to a...
writeCLASSfileWrites forcing data to a CLASS file
writeObsFileWrites a dataframe to a .obs file
yearlyPeaksFinds datetimes of annual max values
zeroMissingPrecipSets missing precipitation values to zero
CentreForHydrology/CRHMr documentation built on April 6, 2024, 5:27 p.m.