minObs: Sets minimum values for an obs data frame

View source: R/minObs.R

minObsR Documentation

Sets minimum values for an obs data frame


Tests values in a CRHMr obs data frame to see if they exceed minimum thresholds. Values exceeding the thresholds can be set to either the minimum allowable value or to NA_real, which is useful for infilling or imputing values.


  varcols = "",
  minvals = "",
  actions = "min",
  quiet = TRUE,
  logfile = ""



Required. The CRHMr obs data frame.


Optional. A vector containing the columns to be imputed in the obs data frame, not including the datetime. If not specified, defaults to all columns.


Optional. A vector containing the minimum permissible values for each of the specified columns. If omitted, the default values are used.


Optional. A vector containing the methods to be used for replacing values that exceed the minimum threshold values. Currently supported actions are min (using the threshold) and NA (using NA_real_ values). The default is min. If fewer actions are specified than variables, then the actions are recycled.


Optional. Suppresses display of messages, except for errors. If you are calling this function in an R script, you will usually leave quiet=TRUE (i.e. the default). If you are working interactively, you will probably want to set quiet=FALSE.


Optional. Name of the file to be used for logging the action. Normally not used.


If successful, returns a modified version of the obs data frame. The values smaller than the specified min values are replaced by either NA_real_ or the threshold min values. If unsuccessful, returns an error.


The default threshold values are

t -40 C
ea 0.01 kPa
rh 0.5 percent
ppt 0 mm
p 0 mm
u 0 m/s
SunAct 0 hr
qsi 0 W/m^2
qso 0 W/m^2
qn -60 W/m^2


Kevin Shook

See Also



# use all of the default values
bad.min <- minObs(BadLake7376)
# use specified columns with default min values, replace with 'NA' values
bad.min2 <- minObs(BadLake7376, varcols = c(1, 2), actions = "NA")
# use specfied columns with specified min values and actions
bad.min3 <- minObs(BadLake7376, minvals = c(-30, 22), varcols = c(1, 2), actions = c("min", "NA"))

CentreForHydrology/CRHMr documentation built on April 6, 2024, 5:27 p.m.