
Defines functions setup

Documented in setup

#' Sets a range of parameters re-used throughout the repo by sourcing the <repo>/repoParams.R file
#' \code{setup} sources the <repo>/ggrParams.R file which sets a range of parameters as elements of the `ggrParams` list. These include default data sources and .Rmd include locations.
#'   The parameters can be over-written in scipts if needed but do so wih care!
#' @author Ben Anderson, \email{ben.anderson@@otago.ac.uk} (original)
#' @import here
#' @export
setup <- function(){
  pLoc <- here::here()  # R project location
  source(paste0(pLoc, "/repoParams.R"))
CfSOtago/GREENGridEECA documentation built on May 1, 2022, 8:08 p.m.