Man pages for ChrOertlin/anota2seq
Generally applicable transcriptome-wide analysis of translational efficiency using anota2seq

anota2seqAnalyzeAnalysis of translational activity
anota2seq_dataSample data set for anota2seq
Anota2seqDataSet-classAnota2seqDataSet class
anota2seqDataSetFromMatrixAnota2seqDataSet constructors.
anota2seqGetContrastsAccessor for the 'contrasts' slot of an Anota2seqDataSet...
anota2seqGetCovariatesAccessor for the 'phenoVec' and 'batchVec' slots of an...
anota2seqGetDeltaDataAccessor for the fold changes and TE scores stored in the...
anota2seqGetNormalizedDataAccessor for the 'normalizedDataP' and 'normalizedDataT'...
anota2seqGetOutputRetrieve output for analyzes stored in the Anota2seqDataSet
anota2seqGetQualityControlRetrieve the anota2seqPerformQC output from the...
anota2seqGetResidOutlierTestRetrieve residOutlierTest
anota2seqGetThresholdsGet filtering criteria thresholds
anota2seqPerformQCPerform quality control to ensure that the supplied data set...
anota2seq-plotsVisualization of anota2seq results
anota2seqRegModesCategorize genes into regulatory modes of gene expression...
anota2seqResidOutlierTestTest for normality of residuals
anota2seqRunWrapper for several functions which provide one-step analysis
anota2seqSelSigGenesSelect identifiers from the output of 'anota2seqAnalyze'.
show-Anota2seqDataSet-methodShow information for an Anota2seqDataSet
ChrOertlin/anota2seq documentation built on Aug. 4, 2021, 2:17 p.m.