Man pages for ChristofSeiler/CytoGLMM
Conditional Differential Analysis for Flow and Mass Cytometry Experiments

cyto_checkCheck if input to cytoxxx function have errors
cytoflexmixLogistic mixture regression
cytoglmFit GLM with bootstrap resampling
cytoglmmFit GLMM with method of moments
cytogroupGroup-specific fixed effects model
cytostabEvaluate parameter stability with respect to gating sheme
generate_dataGenerate dataset for vignettes and simulation studies
glmm_momentGeneralized linear mixed model with maximum likelihood
is_unpairedCheck if samples match or paired on condition
plot_coeffHelper function to plot regression coeffcient
plot.cytoflexmixPlot all components of mixture regression
plot.cytoglmPlot bootstraped coefficients
plot.cytoglmmPlot fixded coefficients of random effects model
plot.cytogroupPlot fixded coefficients of group-specific fixed effects...
plot_heatmapHeatmap of median marker expression
plot_ldaLDA on marker expression
plot_mdsMDS on median marker expression
plot_model_selectionPlot model selection to choose number optimal number of...
plot_prcompPlot PCA of subsampled data using ggplot
print.cytoglmExtact and print bootstrap GLM fit
print.cytoglmmExtact and print GLMM fit
remove_samplesRemove samples based on low cell counts
summary.cytoglmExtact and calculate p-values of bootstrap GLM fit
summary.cytoglmmExtact and calculate p-values of GLMM fit
ChristofSeiler/CytoGLMM documentation built on April 21, 2023, 3:38 a.m.