
#' Get the file path to tag data
#' \code{get_tag_path} gets the path to tag data (raw or processed) in the CATS
#' folder.
#' The COPYCATS drive should have all the processed data but only the most
#' recent raw data. If \code{get_tag_path} is throwing an error unexpectedly
#' double check that the raw data you're looking for is on the hard drive.
#' @param tagid A string with the tagid (e.g. "mn180105-22a")
#' @param raw A logical indicating whether to get the path to the raw or
#'   processed tag data. FALSE by default.
#' @return A string with the file path to the tag data.
get_tag_path <- function(tagid, raw = FALSE) {
  if(raw) {
    result <- dir(file.path(get_cats_path(), "tag_data_raw"),
                  pattern = stringr::str_glue(tagid, "$"),
                  full.names = TRUE,
                  recursive = TRUE,
                  include.dirs = TRUE)
  } else {
    result <- dir(file.path(get_cats_path(), "tag_data"),
                  pattern = tagid,
                  full.names = TRUE)
  if(length(result) != 1) {
    stop("tag_id must exist and be unique")

#' List all available deployments with raw data
#' @return A string vector of all the tagids with available raw data.
list_raw_tags <- function() {
  # Lists all files n steps into the directory structure
  dir_n <- function(path, n) {
    if (n < 1)
      stop("n must be at least 1.")
    if (n == 1)
      dir(path, full.names = TRUE)
    else {
      contents <- dir(path, full.names = TRUE)
      is_file <- purrr::map_lgl(contents, ~ file_test("-f", .x))
      files <- contents[is_file]
      dirs <- contents[!is_file]
      unlist(purrr::map(dirs, dir_n, n = n - 1))

  dir_n(file.path(get_cats_path(), "tag_data_raw"), 3) %>%

#' Import cats data
#' \code{import_cats} reads and concatenates all the raw data CSVs from a CATS
#' tag. May take a long time and return a massive result (> 1GB) because it
#' hasn't been decimated yet.
#' @param tagid A string with the tagid (e.g. "mn180105-22a"). Make sure the raw
#'   data for the tag is on your hard drive!
#' @return A tibble with the raw data from the tag.
#' @seealso \code{\link{list_raw_tags}}
import_cats <- function(tagid) {
  if (!(tagid %in% list_raw_tags()))
    stop("Raw tag data not available.")
  cats_types <- "ccccddddddddddcciiddiicdddiciilci"
  cats_names <- c("dateUTC",
  raw_csvs <- dir(file.path(get_tag_path(tagid, raw = TRUE), "raw"),
      full.names = TRUE,
      pattern = "csv$")
  # Set up a progress bar
  pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(length(raw_csvs))
             # Update progress bar and call read_csv
             function(x, ...) {
               readr::read_csv(x, ...)
             locale = readr::locale(encoding = "latin1"),
             skip = 1,
             col_names = cats_names,
             col_types = cats_types,
             progress = FALSE) %>%
ChuckFinley/goldbogenlab documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:24 a.m.