
##### derive distribution of D(H_k) under null hypothesis, i.e. when X_i are uniformly distributed. ######

# This script uses Monte-Carlo approximation to derive the distribution of D(H_k) for a wide range of k and n.
# For small n and k the distribution can be derived explicitly, see ./side/01-derive_dist_dist_explicitly


##### setup ####

rm(ls = ls())



########## auxiliary functions ##############

get_dist = function(data,k)
  # data is a vector containing a uniform sample, or a matrix the rows of which are uniform samples of size n.
  # The function returns the distance to uniformity of a histogram with k bins based on this data.

  if(!('matrix' %in% is(data)))
    data = matrix(data,nrow = 1)

  nr = nrow(data)
  n = ncol(data)

  which.bin = ceiling(data * k)

  hs = NULL

  for(i in 1:k)
    h_i = (k/n) * rowSums(which.bin == i)
    hs = c(hs,h_i)
  hs = matrix(hs,nrow = nr)

  dists = rowMeans(abs(hs-1))




##### get cdf for a range of ks and ns

k_vec = 2:12
n_vec = seq(10,200,by = 10)

N = 1e+5 #number of samples to consider for Monte-Carlo approximation: Note that a 'sample' is a collection of n uniformly distributed points.

supp_ecdf = seq(0,1.2, by = 0.01) # the ecdf is evaluated at these values

unif_data = matrix(runif(N * max(n_vec)),nrow = N)

ecdf_vals = c()

for(n in n_vec)
  for(k in k_vec)
    dists =  get_dist(data = unif_data[,1:n], k = k)

    ecdf_vals = c(ecdf_vals, ecdf(dists)(supp_ecdf))

ecdf_vals = matrix(ecdf_vals,nrow = length(supp_ecdf))

results = data.table(expand.grid(k = k_vec,n = n_vec) , t(ecdf_vals))


save(results,N,file = './Data/distdist_approx.RData')
ClaudioHeinrich/RankHistBins documentation built on March 11, 2020, 12:53 a.m.