indices_list: indices and index_args for forecast and autoplot functions

Description Threshold Indices Minimum-Maximum Indices Spell-Duration Indices Quantile Indices further Indices


Below you find a list of the indices implemented in the ClimIndVis package as well as their arguments (index_args) (mandatory arguments are in bold font) and an example of index_args. For a detailed description of the arguments and their default values you can click on the links index_arguments.index. One argument which has to be provided for all indices is the aggregation type (aggt). Here you can choose between the following:

Note that the trend argument which you can specify for the calc_index function is automatically set in the autoplot functions as well as verify_index and calc_fc_cats and will be ignored if set in the index_args. NAmaxTrend only applies if the trend is calculated, this is true for autoplot_trend_map and autoplot_ts_stations if trendplots = TRUE.

Threshold Indices

dd Dry days (Prec < 1mm). For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.dd
arguments: aggt, dd_threshold,iformat,NAmaxAgg,NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="monthly",selagg=c(1:3),dd_threshold=0.1,iformat="days")
fd Frost days (Tmin<0C). For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.fd
arguments: aggt, iformat,NAmaxAgg,NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="monthly",selagg=c(1:3),iformat="days")
th_tmin/ Days with minimum/maximum temperature below a user defined threshold (Tmin < threshold, Tmax > threshold). For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.th_tmin / index_arguments.th_tmax
th_tmax arguments: aggt, threshold, iformat, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt= seasonal, threshold=25 )
th_topt Days with average temperature within a user defined temperature range (threshold <= Tavg <= threshold2). For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.th_topt
arguments: aggt, threshold, threshold2, iformat, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="other",aggmons=c(1:3),threshold=10,threshold2=20)
th Threshold function for days below/above a user defined threshold (Variable >/>=/</<= threshold). For a description of all arguments and default values see
arguments: aggt, threshold, operator, thvar, iformat, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="monthly", threshold=-5, operator="<", thvar="tmin" )
th_range Threshold function for days within a user defined range (threshold >/>=/</<= variable >/>=/</<= threshold2). For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.th_range
arguments: aggt, threshold, operator, threshold2, operator2, thvar, iformat, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="other",aggmons=c(5:10), threshold=-5, operator=">=", threshold2=0, operator2="<=", thvar="tmin")

Minimum-Maximum Indices

tnn/tnx Minimum/Maximum value of daily minimum temperature.
txn,txx Minimum/Maximum value of daily maximum temperature. For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.tnn / index_arguments.tnx / index_arguments.txn / index_arguments.txx
arguments: aggt, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="seasonal")
varmin/varmax Minimum/maximum value of user defined variable. For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.varmin / index_arguments.varmin
arguments: aggt, var, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="monthly", var="tavg",selagg=c(1,6))
rx Maximum rx-day precipitation? index_arguments.rx
arguments: aggt, rx, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="monthly", rx=5, selagg=c(1:3))
minmax_xdays Maximum/minimum rx-day value of variable. For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.minmax_xdays
arguments: aggt, var, rx, fun, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="monthly", var="tmin", rx=7, fun = min, selagg=c(1:3))

Spell-Duration Indices

cwd / cdd Consecutive wet/dry days. For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.cdd / index_arguments.cwd
arguments: aggt,NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend, dd_threshold, spells_span_agg
example: index_args=list(aggt="annual")
cxd Consecutive days of variable above/below a threshold. For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.cxd
arguments: aggt, thvar, threshold, operator, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend, spells_span_agg
example: index_args=list(aggt="annual", thvar="tmin", threshold=0, operator="<=")
csdi/wsdi Cold/Warm spell duration index. Count of days with at least 6 consecutive days when TN < 10th / TX > 90th percentile. For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.csdi / index_arguments.wsdi
arguments: aggt, q_threshold, min_length, spells_span_agg, baseperiod, th_object, qens_all, NAmaxAgg,NAmaxTrend, NAmaxbasep
example: index_args=list(aggt="annual")

Quantile Indices

tn10p / tn90p Percentage of days when TN < 10th /TN > 90th percentile.
tx10p / tx90p Percentage of days when TX < 10th / TX> 90th percentile. For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.tn10p / index_arguments.tn90p / index_arguments.tx10p / index_arguments.tx90p
arguments: aggt, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend, baseperiod, NAmaxbasep, iformat,th_object, qens_all
example: index_args=list(aggt="dates", start_days="0000-01-15", end_days = "0000-04-15", baseperiod=c(1981,2010))
qth Number of days above/below threshold. (works for precip and temperature data). For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.qth
arguments: aggt, thvar, q_threshold,operator, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend, baseperiod, NAmaxbasep, iformat,th_object, qens_all
example: index_args=list(aggt="other", aggmons=c(6:9), thvar = "tavg", threshold=90,operator=">=")
rXptot Total precipitation when RR > Xp, e.g. (r95ptot). For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.rXptot
arguments: aggt, q_threshold=95, operator=">",NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend, baseperiod, NAmaxbasep, iformat,th_object, qens_all
example: index_args=list(aggt="seasonal")
qval Percentile value for each aggregation period and year. For arguments and default values see index_arguments.qval
arguments: aggt,percentile,var,NAmaxAgg
example: index_args=list(aggt="seasonal",percentile=5,var="tmax)
#' qrange Percentile value for each aggregation period and year. For arguments and default values see index_arguments.qrange
arguments: aggt,percentile1,percentile,var,NAmaxAgg
example: index_args=list(aggt="seasonal",percentile1=25,percentile2=75,var="tmax)

further Indices

mean / sum For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.mean / index_arguments.sum
arguments: aggt, var, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="monthly", var="tmin")
spi Standard precipitation index. Argument aggt needs to be set to monthly for this index.For more arguments and default values see index_arguments.spi
arguments: aggt="monthly", timescale, ref, distribution, limit, forecast NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="monthly", timescale=3)
spi_forecast Forecast of SPI. Argument aggt needs to be set to monthly for this index. For more arguments and default values see index_arguments.spi_forecast
arguments: aggt="monthly", fc_p, timescale, param, ref, distribution, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="monthly", fc_p = object_fc_st)
sdii Simple precipitation intensity index. Ratio of total rainfall to the number of days when precipitation is higher than a dry day threshold. For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.sdii
arguments: aggt, dd_threshold, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="sseasonal",dd_threshold=0.1)
prcptot Total precipitation on wet days. For a description of all arguments and default values see index_arguments.prcptot
arguments: aggt, dd_threshold, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="seasonal")
rainy_season_start Start of the rainy season. Argument aggt needs to be set to dates and start_days and end_days additionally provided for this index. For more arguments and default values see index_arguments.rainy_season_start
arguments: aggt="dates", rs_method, days, th, dd_th, nval, mdays, mcdd, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="dates", start_days="0000-08-01", end_days = "0000-07-31",rs_method="gurgiser")
rainy_season_end End of the rainy season. Argument aggt needs to be set to dates and start_days and end_days additionally provided for this index. For more arguments and default values see index_arguments.rainy_season_end
arguments: aggt="dates",rs_method,days, th, dd_th, nval, mdays, mcdd, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="dates", start_days="0000-02-01", end_days = "0000-08-31",rs_method="gurgiser")
#' rainy_season_dur Duration of the rainy season. Argument aggt needs to be set to dates and days_start and days_end additionally provided for this index. For more arguments and default values see index_arguments.rainy_season_dur
arguments: aggt="dates",rs_method,days, th, dd_th, nval, mdays, mcdd, NAmaxAgg, NAmaxTrend
example: index_args=list(aggt="dates", day_start="0000-08-01", days_end = "0000-02-01",nstart=300,nend=200,rs_method="gurgiser")

@keywords internal

Climandes/ClimIndVis documentation built on Oct. 24, 2021, 10:52 a.m.