
#' Use splitfngr with optim
#' Use R's optim function but pass in a single function
#' that returns both the function and gradient
#' together in a list. Useful when the function and
#' gradient are expensive to calculate and can be
#' calculated faster together than separate.
#' @param par Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over.
#'        Will be passed to optim as par argument.
#' @param fngr A function that returns a list of two elements:
#'        the function value and the gradient value.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to optim, such as method,
#'        lower, upper, control, and hessian.
#' @return Results from running optim
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @examples
#' quad_share <- function(x){list(sum(x^4), 4*x^3)}
#' optim_share(par=c(3, -5), quad_share, method="BFGS")
optim_share <- function(par, fngr, ...) {
  env <- grad_share(fngr)
  optim(par=par, fn=env$fn, gr=env$gr, ...)

#' Use splitfngr with lbfgs
#' Use lbfgs function from the lbfgs package but pass in a single function
#' that returns both the function and gradient
#' together in a list. Useful when the function and
#' gradient are expensive to calculate and can be
#' calculated faster together than separate.
#' @param fngr A function that returns a list of two elements:
#'        the function value and the gradient value.
#' @param vars Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over.
#'        Will be passed to lbfgs as vars argument.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to lbfgs
#' @return Result from running lbfgs on the given function
#' @export
#' @examples
#' quad_share <- function(x){list(sum(x^4), 4*x^3)}
#' lbfgs_share(vars=c(3, -5), fngr=quad_share)
lbfgs_share <- function(fngr, vars, ...) {
  env <- grad_share(fngr)
  lbfgs::lbfgs(call_eval=env$fn, call_grad=env$gr, vars=vars, ...)

#' Use splitfngr with nlminb
#' Use nlminb function but pass in a single function
#' that returns both the function and gradient
#' together in a list. Useful when the function and
#' gradient are expensive to calculate and can be
#' calculated faster together than separate.
#' @param fngr A function that returns a list of two elements:
#'        the function value and the gradient value.
#' @param start Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over.
#'        Will be passed to nlminb as start argument.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to nlminb
#' @return Result from running nlminb on the given function
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats nlminb
#' @examples
#' quad_share <- function(x){list(sum(x^4), 4*x^3)}
#' nlminb_share(start=c(3, -5), fngr=quad_share)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Add a sleep amount to show when it can be faster
#' # Using share
#' quad_fngr <- function(x){Sys.sleep(.01); list(sum(x^4), 4*x^3)}
#' system.time(nlminb_share(start=c(3, -5), fngr=quad_fngr))
#' # Without share
#' quad_fn <- function(x) {Sys.sleep(.01); sum(x^4)}
#' quad_gr <- function(x) {Sys.sleep(.01); 4*x^3}
#' system.time(nlminb(c(3,-5), quad_fn, quad_gr))
#' }
nlminb_share <- function(start, fngr, ...) {
  env <- grad_share(fngr)
  nlminb(start=start, objective=env$fn, gradient=env$gr, ...)
CollinErickson/splitfngr documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:28 p.m.