
context("Loading and subsetting raster data")


test_that("load_raster", {
  # weekly
  abd <- load_raster(path, "abundance", resolution = "lr")
  expect_is(abd, "RasterStack")
  expect_equal(raster::nlayers(abd), 52)

  # seasonal
  abd <- load_raster(path, "abundance", period = "seasonal", resolution = "lr")
  expect_is(abd, "RasterStack")
  expect_equal(raster::nlayers(abd), 4)
  expect_named(abd, c("breeding", "nonbreeding",
                      "prebreeding_migration", "postbreeding_migration"))

test_that("load_raster error", {
  # weekly
  expect_error(load_raster(path, "error"))
  expect_error(load_raster("/invalid/path/", "aundance"))

test_that("label_raster_stack", {
  abd <- load_raster(path, "abundance", resolution = "lr")

  # expected
  expect_match(names(abd), "^w[0-9]{4}\\.[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]{2}")

  # error

  # expected
  date_vector <- parse_raster_dates(abd)
  expect_is(date_vector, "Date")

test_that("subset raster", {
  abd <- load_raster(path, "abundance", resolution = "lr")
  e <- ebirdst_extent(c(xmin = -86, xmax = -83,ymin = 42, ymax = 45),
                      t = c(0.5, 0.6))
  abd_sub <- ebirdst_subset(abd, e)

  # expected
  expect_gt(raster::ncell(abd_sub), 1)
  expect_equal(raster::nlayers(abd_sub), 5)
  expect_is(abd_sub, "RasterBrick")

  # without temporal info
  e <- ebirdst_extent(c(xmin = -86, xmax = -83, ymin = 42, ymax = 45))
  abd_sub <- ebirdst_subset(abd, e)
  # expected
  expect_gt(raster::ncell(abd_sub), 1)
  expect_equal(raster::nlayers(abd_sub), 52)
  expect_is(abd_sub, "RasterBrick")

  # extent with polygon
  e_poly <- ebirdst_extent(sf::st_as_sfc(e$extent), t = c(0.5, 0.6))
  suppressWarnings(abd_sub <- ebirdst_subset(abd, e_poly))
  expect_gt(raster::ncell(abd_sub), 1)
  expect_equal(raster::nlayers(abd_sub), 5)
  expect_is(abd_sub, "RasterBrick")
CornellLabofOrnithology/stemhelper documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 9:59 a.m.