CrossClustering v4.1.1

Test environments


Remote (rhub)

R CMD check results (rhub) 0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes

R CMD check succeeded.

Remote (win-builder)

R CMD check results (rhub) 0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 notes

New submission

Package was archived on CRAN

Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION: CrossClustering (15:26) Tellaroli (15:53) al (15:66) et (15:63)

CRAN repository db overrides: X-CRAN-Comment: Archived on 2020-07-31 as required archived package 'assertive'.

New submission (after package archived on CRAN)

This is a new/re-submission, after the package has been removed/archived from CRAN.

In this updated version I have:

Note: We deliberately keep 'CrossClustering' in CammelCase style as package name for historical reasons.

First CRAN request

File 'R/CrossClustering-internal.R' sets .Random.seed. This is usually neither needed nor wanted.

Please fix and resubmit.

Second CRAN request

Please always write package names, software names and API (application programming interface) names in single quotes in title and description. e.g: --> 'CrossClustering' Please note that package names are case sensitive.

"Using foo:::f instead of foo::f allows access to unexported objects. This is generally not recommended, as the semantics of unexported objects may be changed by the package author in routine maintenance."

Please omit one colon.

-> Warning: Used ::: in documentation: man/cc_test_ari_permutation.Rd: CrossClustering:::cc_test_ari_permutation(ground_truth, clusters) man/cc_test_ari.Rd: CrossClustering:::cc_test_ari(ground_truth, clusters) man/consensus_cluster.Rd: CrossClustering:::consensus_cluster(c(3, 4), cluster_ward, cluster_other) man/is_zero.Rd: CrossClustering:::is_zero(1) man/is_zero.Rd: CrossClustering:::is_zero(0)

Please fix and resubmit.

CorradoLanera/CrossClustering documentation built on May 18, 2024, 7:12 a.m.