
Defines functions education_ads_breakdown

Documented in education_ads_breakdown

#' FB audience education breakdown
#' Function that returns a data frame with the total audience by education level for a selected interest.
#' @param id_vector: Vector of one or more facebook API interests
#' @param name_vector: Vector of one or more facebook API names
#' @param platform: "instagram", "facebook" or c("facebook", "instagram")
#' @keywords FB ads audience
#' @export
#' @examples
#' education_ads_breakdown("6003123299417", "Computer science", "facebook")

education_ads_breakdown <- function(id_vector,name_vector, platform){

  print('Fetching education data')
  edu_df <- tribble(
    ~education_status, ~code,
    "In High School",1,
    "In College", 2,
    "College Graduate", 3,
    "High School Graduate", 4,
    "Some College", 5,
    "Associate Degree", 6,
    "In Graduate School", 7,
    "Some Graduate School", 8,
    "Master's Degree", 9,
    "Professional Degree", 10,
    "Doctorate", 11,
    "Unspecified", 12,
    "Some High School",13
  education_vector <- sapply(1:nrow(edu_df), 
  function(i)fbad_reachestimate(targeting_spec = list(
    geo_locations = list(countries = 'US'),
    education_statuses = edu_df$code[i],
    publisher_platforms = platform,
    flexible_spec = list(
      list(interests = data.frame(
        id = id_vector,
        name = name_vector
  education_frame <- tibble(
    Education = edu_df$education_status,
    Count = as.numeric(as.character(education_vector))
  ) %>% arrange(desc(Count))
  print('Education data fetched')
Cyranka/fb_audience_analysis documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 4:15 p.m.