
#	This script is the active development space of the spawnest package
#	Coded by Joseph (Josie, they) L. Simonis, DAPPER Stats
#	version 2017

# load dependencies

	library(pomp); library(plyr); library(KernSmooth); library(doParallel); library(caTools)


# example

	# read in data

		xx <- read.csv("www/auto_load.csv", header = T)
		dates <- as.Date(as.character(xx$day))
		counts <- xx$count

	# plot 

		spawnPlot(dates = dates, counts = counts, surveylife = 18.1, extend = T, drawtrap = T)

	# fixed parameter estimates of escapement using AUC with values for 1990

		fpest1 <- aucest(dates = dates, counts = counts, surveylife = 18.1, detectionrate = 0.499)
	# fixed parameter estimates of escapement using AUC with average values

		fpest2 <- aucest(dates = dates, counts = counts, surveylife = 18.5, detectionrate = 0.41)
	# uncertain parameter estimates of escapement using AUC with parameter inputs that give the means and sds of survey life (18.5 +/- 2.8) and detection rate (0.41 +/- 0.20)

		mean(rgamma(1000, shape = 44.3, scale = 0.418))
		sd(rgamma(1000, shape = 44.3, scale = 0.418))
		mean(rbeta(1000, shape1 = 2.07, shape2 = 2.98))
		sd(rbeta(1000, shape1 = 2.07, shape2 = 2.98))

		vpest <- aucest_vp(dates = dates, counts = counts, surveylife = c(shape = 44.3, scale = 0.418), detectionrate = c(shape1 = 2.07, shape2 = 2.98), ndraws = 10000)
		hist(vpest, breaks = seq(0, max(vpest)+1000, 1000))
		abline(v = fpest2, lwd = 3, col = rgb(0,0,0, .5))

  # pull out full year

    dd <- data.frame(counts = 0, time = 1:365)
    pompobj2 <- simulate(pompobj, data = dd, times = "time", t0 = 0)

pompobj <- pompbuild(dates = dates, , 
	counts = counts, 
	parameters = c(theta = 0.1, 
	alph0 = -14, alph1 = -17, alph2 = -17, 
	mu0 = 0.045, mu1 = 0.02, rho = 0.499), year = 1990)

	plot(dates, pompobj@data)

mm<-	mif2(pompobj,
	  start = c(theta = 0.1, alph0 = -14, alph1 = -17, alph2 = -17, mu0 = 0.045, mu1 = 0.02, rho = 0.499, tdaysYr = 365, TSA.0 = 0, S.0=0, yrf.0=0),
	  Np = 100000, Nmif = 100,
        rw.sd=rw.sd(theta = 0.01, alph0 = 0.1, alph1 = 0.1, alph2 = 0.1, mu0 = 0.001, mu1 = 0.0001, rho = 0.01))


simTSA <- simpomp(pompobj = pompobj, NSims = 1000)


parmplots(params = c(theta = 0.01, alph0 = -12, alph1 = -17, alph2 = -9, mu0 = 0.05, mu1 = 0.1))

        THETA <- 0.01
        A0 <- -12
        A1 <- -17
        A2 <- -9
        M0 <- 0.05
        M1 <- 0.1
      parmplots(params = c(theta = THETA, alph0 = A0, alph1 = A1, alph2 = A2,
        mu0 = M0, mu1 = M1))
DAPPERstats/spawnest documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:34 p.m.