
context("Testing blockbuster output: expected proportion by row counts")

test_that("Expected proportions some to 1 (with a tolerance)", {

test_that("Specific test data produces the same as hand calculated results",{


context("Testing blockbuster output: expected proportion by area")

test_that("Output contains expected proportions for all grades", {

test_that("Expected proportions is sensible, e.g. sum to 1 (with a tolerance)", {

test_that("Specific test data produces the same as hand calculated results",{


context("Testing blockbuster output: expected decommissioned blocks")

test_that("Output contains expected decommissioned blocks", {

test_that("Expected decommissioned blocks is sensible", {

test_that("Specific test data produces the same as hand calculated results",{


context("Testing blockbuster output: expected decommissioned schools")

test_that("Output contains expected decommissioned schools", {

test_that("Expected decommissioned schools is sensible", {

test_that("Specific test data produces the same as hand calculated results",{
DFE-Capital/blockbuster2 documentation built on May 4, 2019, 1:08 p.m.