Man pages for DanielBonnery/BigSyn

augmentmaxT_fCreates cell marginal max.
augmentpctT_fConvert cell totals to marginal ratios and create overall...
augmentT_fCreates cell marginal max and percentages.
BigSynBigSyn: Some non confidential R functions developped for the...
BigSyn-packageBigSyn: X
compilefitsSave a pdf image of each regression tree grown in the...
donors.receptors.checkFor each leave of each tree, counts the number of donors in...
drop_lastDrop last margin position (Trims all strings of a vector of...
fitmodel.ctreeFunction to fit a ctree model.
fitmodel.fnFit a model with a specific function
fitmodel.rfFunction to fit a ctree model.
fitthemodelFunction to fit the model.
GeneralReversetransposefunctionGeneral Reverse Transpose function
GeneralReversetransposefunctiondecoupeGeneral Reverse Transpose function with split
GeneraltransposefunctionGeneral Transpose function
GeneraltransposefunctionsimpleSimple General Transpose function
get_cellget cell without the row number
get_cellrnGet cell and row number
get_cellXXgroupGet cell group
get_cellXXmarginscountGet the number of margins for a cell
get_cellXXsplitsplit a cell
get_missingindGet missing indicator for a cell or variable
get_natural.predictorsGet natural predictors
getnodesfromrulesFunction to get terminal node from a set of partitioning...
get_originGet origin table
get_parentget parent if any
get_presentindget the present indicator for a cell
get_varGet variable name
get_XXpredecessoratmarginget cell predecessors at margin
get_XXpredecessorsatmarginget cell predecessors at margin only arguments for a specific fitting function
good.sample.parametersSelect only arguments for sampling.
good.syn.parametersSelect only arguments for a specific fitting function This...
grapes-notin-grapesNot in operator
NAto0Recoding of NAs to 0 or "NA"
onlygoodargsGeneric function: remove all the elements of a named list...
posixcttonumericConverts all posixct variables of a dataframe into a numeric...
predictor.matrix.defaultDefine a default predictor matrix
preparepredictorsforctreefitPrepare predictors for ctree fit
reduceT_fReverse augmentT_f: Function that will convert cell and...
resampleT_fresample when synthetisation created incoherent high and low...
sample.ctreeFunction to sample from a ctree fitted model
sampledataSample data for transposition
sample.fnSample a model with a specific function
samplefrompoolFunction to sample from a set of partitioning rules
SDPSYN2General SDP function.
sorttablewithingroupsort table within group without changing the group position
Sparameters.default.fDefault synthetisation parameters based on variable names
Sparameters.variables.reorder.defaultGeneral Default ordering of variables for synthetisation...
treedepthCompute depth of a "party" tree
treetopdfCtree to pdf graph
TsampledataTransposed sample data.
TTsampledataTransposed sample data.
DanielBonnery/BigSyn documentation built on June 28, 2020, 7:18 p.m.