FacDesign: FacDesign

Description Usage Methods


R6Class representing a factorial design.


fac_design <- FacDesign$new(name, k)


new(name, factor_node, rep = 1, center = 0, response_name = "response", index_name = "index", response = NULL

Initialize the factorial design.

name Character. The factorial design's name
An object of class ExplorerNode with children of explorer_class "fac_design_factor" storing objects of class FacDesignFactor.
rep Numeric value giving the number of replicates per factor combination.
center Currently defunct. Integer. Number of center points.
response_name Character. Name of the response variable.
index_name Character. Name of the index variable.
response Numeric vector containing the values of the response variable for the standardised factorial design. If response = NULL, you have to add a response later via this$add_response().

Add or update the response of the factorial design.

response Numeric vector containing the values of the response variable for the standardised factorial design.

Get the factorial design's name.


Get a list with the following entries:

fac The variable factors' names.
index The index' name.
name The factorial design's name.
response The factorial design response's name.

The arguments decide wheter a name is part of the list or not.

get_table(randomized = TRUE, index = TRUE, factors = TRUE, response = TRUE, center = FALSE)

Get a tibble representing the factorial design.

randomized If TRUE, the rows are ordered in run order and not in standardised order.
index If TRUE, the index column is included in the output.
factors If TRUE, the factor columns are included in the output.
response If TRUE, the response column is included in the output.
center If TRUE, the rows containing observations for the center points are included in the output.

Returns a logical indicating whether the factorial design has a response or not.


Get the number of rows of the factorial design.

rename_fac_names(new_names, old_names = NULL)

Set the factors' names. If old_names = NULL the length of new_names must be equal to the number of factors, otherwise the length of new_names and old_names has to be equal.

new_names Character vector.
old_names Character vector or NULL.

Rename the index with the character new_name.


Rename the factorial design with the character new_name.


Rename the response with the character new_name.

DavidBarke/QWUtils documentation built on Jan. 13, 2020, 11:52 a.m.