
check_format_skat <- function(Z, SNPInfo, mod0, aggregateBy, snpNames, formula) {
	if(length(stats::residuals(mod0)) != nrow(Z)) stop("Number of genotypes is not equal to number of phenotypes!")
	  stop(paste0("Some observations in '", 
	              "' are missing...\n Complete data in the null model is required. Please remove, and subset genotypes accordingly"))
	percent_miss <- mean(colnames(Z) %in% SNPInfo[,snpNames])
	if(percent_miss == 0) stop("Column names of Z must correspond to 'snpNames' field in SNPInfo file!")
	if(percent_miss < 1) warning(paste((1-percent_miss)*ncol(Z), "snps are not in SNPInfo file!"))
	if( min(Z,na.rm=TRUE) < 0 || max(Z,na.rm=TRUE) > 2) {
    warning("Genotype possibly not dosage matrix! Alleles should be coded 0/1/2")
	if(anyNA(Z)) {
    warning("Some missing genotypes - will be imputed to average dose")
DavisBrian/seqMeta documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:55 p.m.