#' Invoke functions via futures
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' These functions work exactly the same as [purrr::invoke_map()] functions, but
#' allow you to invoke in parallel.
#' @inheritParams purrr::invoke_map
#' @inheritParams future_map
#' @param .f A list of functions.
#' @param .x A list of argument-lists the same length as `.f` (or length 1). The
#' default argument, `list(NULL)`, will be recycled to the same length as
#' `.f`, and will call each function with no arguments (apart from any
#' supplied in `...`).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{plan(multisession, workers = 2)}
#' df <- dplyr::tibble(
#' f = c("runif", "rpois", "rnorm"),
#' params = list(
#' list(n = 10),
#' list(n = 5, lambda = 10),
#' list(n = 10, mean = -3, sd = 10)
#' )
#' )
#' future_invoke_map(df$f, df$params, .options = furrr_options(seed = 123))
#' \dontshow{
#' # Close open connections for R CMD Check
#' if (!inherits(plan(), "sequential")) plan(sequential)
#' }
future_invoke_map <- function(.f,
.x = list(NULL),
.env = NULL,
.options = furrr_options(),
.env_globals = parent.frame(),
.progress = FALSE) {
.env <- .env %||% parent.frame()
.f <- as_invoke_function(.f)
.x = .f,
.y = .x,
.f = purrr::invoke,
.env = .env,
.options = .options,
.env_globals = .env_globals,
.progress = .progress
#' @rdname future_invoke_map
#' @export
future_invoke_map_chr <- function(.f,
.x = list(NULL),
.env = NULL,
.options = furrr_options(),
.env_globals = parent.frame(),
.progress = FALSE) {
.env <- .env %||% parent.frame()
.f <- as_invoke_function(.f)
.x = .f,
.y = .x,
.f = purrr::invoke,
.env = .env,
.options = .options,
.env_globals = .env_globals,
.progress = .progress
#' @rdname future_invoke_map
#' @export
future_invoke_map_dbl <- function(.f,
.x = list(NULL),
.env = NULL,
.options = furrr_options(),
.env_globals = parent.frame(),
.progress = FALSE) {
.env <- .env %||% parent.frame()
.f <- as_invoke_function(.f)
.x = .f,
.y = .x,
.f = purrr::invoke,
.env = .env,
.options = .options,
.env_globals = .env_globals,
.progress = .progress
#' @rdname future_invoke_map
#' @export
future_invoke_map_int <- function(.f,
.x = list(NULL),
.env = NULL,
.options = furrr_options(),
.env_globals = parent.frame(),
.progress = FALSE) {
.env <- .env %||% parent.frame()
.f <- as_invoke_function(.f)
.x = .f,
.y = .x,
.f = purrr::invoke,
.env = .env,
.options = .options,
.env_globals = .env_globals,
.progress = .progress
#' @rdname future_invoke_map
#' @export
future_invoke_map_lgl <- function(.f,
.x = list(NULL),
.env = NULL,
.options = furrr_options(),
.env_globals = parent.frame(),
.progress = FALSE) {
.env <- .env %||% parent.frame()
.f <- as_invoke_function(.f)
.x = .f,
.y = .x,
.f = purrr::invoke,
.env = .env,
.options = .options,
.env_globals = .env_globals,
.progress = .progress
#' @rdname future_invoke_map
#' @export
future_invoke_map_raw <- function(.f,
.x = list(NULL),
.env = NULL,
.options = furrr_options(),
.env_globals = parent.frame(),
.progress = FALSE) {
.env <- .env %||% parent.frame()
.f <- as_invoke_function(.f)
.x = .f,
.y = .x,
.f = purrr::invoke,
.env = .env,
.options = .options,
.env_globals = .env_globals,
.progress = .progress
#' @rdname future_invoke_map
#' @export
future_invoke_map_dfr <- function(.f,
.x = list(NULL),
.env = NULL,
.options = furrr_options(),
.env_globals = parent.frame(),
.progress = FALSE) {
.env <- .env %||% parent.frame()
.f <- as_invoke_function(.f)
.x = .f,
.y = .x,
.f = purrr::invoke,
.env = .env,
.options = .options,
.env_globals = .env_globals,
.progress = .progress
#' @rdname future_invoke_map
#' @export
future_invoke_map_dfc <- function(.f,
.x = list(NULL),
.env = NULL,
.options = furrr_options(),
.env_globals = parent.frame(),
.progress = FALSE) {
.env <- .env %||% parent.frame()
.f <- as_invoke_function(.f)
.x = .f,
.y = .x,
.f = purrr::invoke,
.env = .env,
.options = .options,
.env_globals = .env_globals,
.progress = .progress
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
as_invoke_function <- function(f) {
if (is.function(f)) {
else {
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