
#' @section Mold Functions:
#' `blueprint$mold` should be a named list with two elements, both of which
#' are functions:
#' - `clean`: A function that performs initial cleaning of the user's input
#' data to be used in the model.
#'    - _Arguments_:
#'       - If this is an xy blueprint, `blueprint`, `x` and `y`.
#'       - Otherwise, `blueprint` and `data`.
#'    - _Output_: A named list of three elements:
#'       - `blueprint`: The blueprint, returned and potentially updated.
#'       - If using an xy blueprint:
#'          - `x`: The cleaned predictor data.
#'          - `y`: The cleaned outcome data.
#'       - If not using an xy blueprint:
#'          - `data`: The cleaned data.
#' - `process`: A function that performs the actual preprocessing of the data.
#'    - _Arguments_:
#'       - If this is an xy blueprint, `blueprint`, `x` and `y`.
#'       - Otherwise, `blueprint` and `data`.
#'    - _Output_: A named list of 5 elements:
#'       - `blueprint`: The blueprint, returned and potentially updated.
#'       - `predictors`: A tibble of predictors.
#'       - `outcomes`: A tibble of outcomes.
#'       - `ptypes`: A named list with 2 elements, `predictors` and `outcomes`,
#'       where both elements are 0-row tibbles.
#'       - `extras`: Varies based on the blueprint. If the blueprint has no
#'       extra information, `NULL`. Otherwise a named list of the
#'       extra elements returned by the blueprint.
#' Both `blueprint$mold$clean()` and `blueprint$mold$process()` will be called,
#' in order, from [mold()].
DavisVaughan/hardhat documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 9:53 a.m.