
Defines functions time_nest time_nest.default time_nest.tbl_time

Documented in time_nest

#' Nest a `tbl_time` to a specified time period
#' `time_nest` allows for quick nesting of `tbl_time` objects by period so that
#' manipulation can be performed on each period's data set individually. See
#' [tidyr::nest()] for information on nesting generally.
#' @inheritParams time_group
#' @inheritParams tidyr::nest
#' @param data A `tbl_time` object.
#' @param keep_inner_dates Whether to add dates to each nested object as the
#' column, `.date`.
#' @param ... Used to specify columns you do not want in the nest. Specified
#' as `-col_name`.
#' @details
#' As an example, nesting by a `"yearly"` period will return a `tbl_time` object
#' with a date column containing the dates at the end of each year, and a
#' list-column of smaller `tbl_time` objects containing all of the data for
#' that year.
#' Because it is likely the case that the original dates will be required
#' inside the nested `tbl_time` objects for further manipulation,
#' the original dates are kept as a `.date` column in each `tbl_time` object in
#' the list-column.
#' This function respects [dplyr::group_by()] groups.
#' @examples
#' # Basic functionality -------------------------------------------------------
#' data(FB)
#' FB <- as_tbl_time(FB, date)
#' # Nest yearly
#' time_nest(FB, "yearly")
#' # Nest yearly, but don't drag symbol into the nest
#' time_nest(FB, "yearly", -symbol)
#' # Nest quarterly
#' time_nest(FB, "quarterly")
#' # Grouped functionality -----------------------------------------------------
#' data(FANG)
#' FANG <- as_tbl_time(FANG, date) %>%
#'   dplyr::group_by(symbol)
#' # Nest yearly, but by group
#' FANG %>%
#'   time_nest("yearly")
#' @export
time_nest <- function(data, period = "yearly", ..., .key = "data", keep_inner_dates = TRUE) {

#' @export
time_nest.default <- function(data, period = "yearly", ..., .key = "data", keep_inner_dates = TRUE) {
  stop("Object is not of class `tbl_time`.", call. = FALSE)

#' @export
time_nest.tbl_time <- function(data, period = "yearly", ..., .key = "data", keep_inner_dates = TRUE) {

  # Setup
  index_char <- get_index_char(data)
  .key       <- rlang::enexpr(.key)
  .key_sym   <- rlang::sym(.key)

  # Collapse. Keeping sep column for the old dates
  collapsed_data <- time_collapse(data, period, as_sep_col = keep_inner_dates)

  # Nest, allowing for user specified columns in ...
  collapsed_data <- tidyr::nest(collapsed_data, ...,
                           - dplyr::one_of(index_char),
                           .key = !! .key)

  if(keep_inner_dates) {
    collapsed_data <- mutate(
      !! .key_sym := purrr::map(
        .x = !! .key_sym,
        .f = ~as_tbl_time(.x, .date))

DavisVaughan/tibbletime3 documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:25 p.m.