
Defines functions complete_rs_probabilities complete_rs

Documented in complete_rs complete_rs_probabilities

#' Complete Random Sampling
#' complete_rs implements a random sampling procedure in which fixed numbers of units are sampled. The canonical example of complete random sampling is a procedure in which exactly n of N units are sampled.\cr \cr
#' Users can set the exact number of units to sample with n. Alternatively, users can specify the probability of being sampled with prob and complete_rs will infer the correct number of units to sample.
#' complete_rs will either sample floor(N*prob) or ceiling(N*prob) units, choosing between these two values to ensure that the overall probability of being sampled is exactly prob.
#' Users should specify N and not more than one of n or prob. \cr \cr
#' If only N is specified, N/2 units will be sampled. If N is odd, either floor(N/2) units or ceiling(N/2) units will be sampled.
#' @param N The number of units. N must be a positive integer. (required)
#' @param n Use for a design in which exactly n units are sampled. (optional)
#' @param n_unit unique(n_unit) will be passed to \code{n}. Must be the same for all units (optional)
#' @param prob Use for a design in which either floor(N*prob) or ceiling(N*prob) units are sampled. The probability of being sampled is exactly prob because with probability 1-prob, floor(N*prob) units will be sampled and with probability prob, ceiling(N*prob) units will be sampled. prob must be a real number between 0 and 1 inclusive. (optional)
#' @param prob_unit unique(prob_unit) will be passed to the prob argument and must be the same for all units.
#' @param check_inputs logical. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A numeric vector of length N that indicates if a unit is sampled (1) or not (0).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' S <- complete_rs(N = 100)
#' table(S)
#' S <- complete_rs(N = 100, n = 50)
#' table(S)
#' S <- complete_rs(N = 100, n_unit = rep(50, 100))
#' table(S)
#' S <- complete_rs(N = 100, prob = .111)
#' table(S)
#' S <- complete_rs(N = 100, prob_unit = rep(.1, 100))
#' table(S)
#' # If N = n, sample with 100% probability...
#' complete_rs(N=2, n=2)
#' # Up through randomizr 0.12.0, 
#' # This behavior has been deprecated
#' complete_rs(N=1, n=1) # sampled with 50% probability
complete_rs <- function(N,
                        n = NULL,
                        n_unit = NULL,
                        prob = NULL,
                        prob_unit = NULL,
                        check_inputs = TRUE) {
  # Checks
  if (check_inputs) .invoke_check(check_samplr_arguments_new)
  if (!is.null(prob_unit)) {
    unique_prob_unit <- unique(prob_unit)
    if (length(unique_prob_unit) > 1) {
      stop("In a complete random sampling design, `prob_unit` must be the same for all units")
    prob <- unique(prob_unit)
  if(!is.null(n_unit)) {
    unique_n_unit <- unique(n_unit)
    if (length(unique_n_unit) > 1) {
      stop("In a complete random sampling design, `n_unit` must be the same for all units")
    n <- unique(n_unit)
  if (is.null(n)) {
    if (is.null(prob)) {
      prob <- .5
    Np <- N*prob
    n_dn <- floor(Np)
    n_up <- ceiling(Np)
    # If rounding doesn't matter or rounds up to 100% use n_dn except when N=1
    n <- if (n_up == n_dn || (N > 1 && n_up == N)) {
    } else  {
      n_dn + sample(0:1, 1, prob = abs(1:0 - (Np - n_dn)))
  assignment <- sample(rep(c(0, 1), c(N - n, n)))


#' Inclusion Probabilities: Complete Random Sampling
#' @inheritParams complete_rs
#' @return A vector length N indicating the probability of being sampled.
#' @examples
#' probs <- complete_rs_probabilities(N = 100)
#' table(probs)
#' probs <- complete_rs_probabilities(N = 100, n = 50)
#' table(probs)
#' probs <- complete_rs_probabilities(N=100, prob = .3)
#' table(probs)
#' @export
complete_rs_probabilities <- function(N,
                                      n = NULL,
                                      n_unit = NULL,
                                      prob = NULL,
                                      prob_unit = NULL,
                                      check_inputs = TRUE) {
  if (check_inputs) .invoke_check(check_samplr_arguments_new)
  if (!is.null(prob_unit)) {
    unique_prob_unit <- unique(prob_unit)
    if (length(unique_prob_unit) > 1) {
      stop("In a complete random sampling design, `prob_unit` must be the same for all units")
    prob <- unique(prob_unit)
  if(!is.null(n_unit)) {
    unique_n_unit <- unique(n_unit)
    if (length(unique_n_unit) > 1) {
      stop("In a complete random sampling design, `n_unit` must be the same for all units")
    n <- unique(n_unit)
  prob_vec <-  if (is.numeric(n))  {
    #n / max(N,2) # 0,1=> 0, 1,1 => 1/2
    n / N
  } else if (is.numeric(prob)) {
    ifelse(N > 1 && ceiling(N * prob) == N,
           floor(N * prob) / N, prob)
  } else {
  rep_len(prob_vec, N)
DeclareDesign/randomizr documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 4:01 a.m.