random_integers: 10,000 random integers between 0 and 100

random_integersR Documentation

10,000 random integers between 0 and 100


This list of numbers was generated by random.org's Integer Generator. It is provided in the same order that the numbers were generated in.


This is meant for use as a column of "true-random" numbers for applications like Random Forest variable importance, where one strategy for identifying good features is to include a column of random values so that any feature less important than these random values can be discarded.



Haahr, M. (2019, July 28). RANDOM.ORG: True Random Number Service. Retrieved from https://www.random.org/integers/. Accessed 2019-07-28 23:18:13 UTC.


# data(random_integers)

# head(random_integers)

#> [1] 93 18 19 91 53 54

#> data(random_integers)

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