Man pages for DimitriF/DLC
Deep Layer Chromatography

augmentationFunction for data augmentation, go inside a list and append...
binary.stateCalculate probability real values
chrom.pictFunction to plot the 3 channel of an array as chromatograms,
chrom.rasterFunction to plot a picture AND the 3 channel of an array as...
clusterizefunction to clusterize the code of the model to calculate the euclidean distance of each pixel to...
dbn.dnn.trainTraining a Deep neural network with weights initialized by...
dbn.downPredict visible unit from top hidden layer
dbn.trainTraining a Deep Belief Net
dbn.upPredict top layer hidden unit from visible units
deconstructfunction to deconstruct an array,
deconstruct.convolfunction to deconstruct an array,
do.rbm.traindo the rbm training, mean to be use inside rbm.train
evolvefunction to reconstruct an array from a df by evolving one of...
f.count.successiffunction to count the number of successif occurence in a... to extract chromatograms from an 3d array, or a 2d...
f.integratefunction to extract chromato, corret baseline, integrate peak
f.integrate_extractedfunction to integrate peaks from 3d chromato array to read image files Function to read multiple image file
layer.3Dfunction to plot a matrix
mapModification of the map function of the kohonen package in...
map.kohonenModification of the map.kohonen function of the kohonen...
nn.predictPredict new samples by Trainded NN
nn.testTest new samples by Trainded NN
nn.trainTraining Neural Network
normalizeFunction to normalize array or matrix
rasterfunction to plot an image
raster_figurefunction to plot several figures, for publication
rbm.downGenerate visible vector by hidden units states
rbm.trainTraining a RBM(restricted Boltzmann Machine)
rbm.upInfer hidden units state by visible units
reconstructfunction to reconstruct an array from a matrix,
reconstruct.convolfunction to reconstruct an array from a matrix,
redim.arrayFunction to redimension a 3D array
run.plate_predictionFunction to launch the tlc_var_selector app
run.rtlcFunction to launch the rtlc app
run.tlcbrainFunction to launch the tlc-brain app
run.tlc_denoisingFunction to launch the tlc_denoising app
run.tlc_RBM_classificationFunction to launch the tlc_RBM_classification app
run.tlc_var_selectorFunction to launch the tlc_var_selector app
sae.trainTraining a Stacked Autoencoder
saveDataFunction to create the data base on mongodb, not working yet
shift.arrayFunction to shift a 3D array
sigmfunction for sigm unit
SOM.clusterFunction to apply a pipeline of deconstruction, learning,...
SOM.cluster.plotFunction to plot an object return by the SOM.cluster function
SOM.cluster.plot.evolveFunction to plot the evolution of a picture
SOM.cluster.plot.pictureFunction to plot a picture
unit_state_rasterfunction to plot the image of a given hidden unit state for...
vec2patchfunction to plot the image of a given hidden unit state for... to know which cell was click, used in the shiny apps
DimitriF/DLC documentation built on Oct. 14, 2020, 4:33 p.m.