
Defines functions load_templates source_template

#' @title Load Templates
#' @description Load templates from file(s)
#' @export
load_templates <- function(){
  # This default cannot be moved to package constants due to staged-installation
  DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_LOCATION <- system.file("templates", package="pictoralist")

  template_paths <- list.files(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_LOCATION, "\\.[rR]$", full.names=TRUE)
  envs <- lapply(template_paths, source_template)
  names(envs) <- sapply(envs, getElement, "template_name")

#' @title Load Templates
#' @describeIn load_templates Load individual template into it's own environment
#' @return Environment in which the template was sourced.
#' @export
source_template <- function(path){
  anno_env <- new.env(parent = .BaseNamespaceEnv)
  source(path, local = anno_env)
  anno_env$template_name <- sub("\\.[rR]$", "", basename(path))
Display-Lab/pictoralist documentation built on April 1, 2020, 1:25 a.m.