PredictionPlot: Plots the observed, predict and an independent variable from...

View source: R/regressionplots.R

PredictionPlotR Documentation

Plots the observed, predict and an independent variable from a regression model.


Plots the observed, predict and an independent variable from a regression model.


PredictionPlot(Regression.object, predictor.number = NULL)



The model.


The index of the predictor to be used in the plot, where 1 means the first predictor.


With numeric predicts, other variables are assumed to have an average effect. With factors, the first level is from the intercept, and the other levels are the intercept plus the parameter (thus, if you modify the contrats, this plot will not display the predicted values correctly).

Displayr/flipRegression documentation built on July 27, 2024, 8:35 p.m.