technology.unstacked: Technology Brand data unstacked

technology.unstackedR Documentation

Technology Brand data unstacked


Case study from the technology market where 302 respondents rated how likely they were to recommend 13 tech brands. For a series of 9 attributes, the respondents indicated which brands they felt possessed the attribute.


This list contains two data.frame elements:

  • Y: A data.frame that contains the recommendation values on a scale of 0 to 10. This data.frame has 13 columns, one for each brand (Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Google, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Sony, Dell, Yahoo, Nokia, Samsung, LG, Panasonic).

  • X: A data.frame that contains the respondents values for each attribute on each brand. There are 117 columns, one of each of the 9 attributes by 13 brands. The nine attributes are (Fun, Worth what you pay for, Innovative, Good customer service, Stylish, Easy to use, High quality, High performance and Low prices). The names of the columns are of the form 'attribute, brand'.


These data are available from the Q research software website. The address is:

More details of the analysis and stacking available in the 'How to do Driver Analysis: Ebook' available on the Displayr website.

Displayr/flipRegression documentation built on March 2, 2024, 3:51 a.m.