
Defines functions detection.capture.recapture detection.removalmethods transform.setpars.parameter

Documented in detection.capture.recapture detection.removalmethods transform.setpars.parameter

transform.setpars.parameter <- function(min.exposure, max.exposure, 
         pmin, pmax, improvement)

   # description:
   #   The function transforms the user defined parameter
   #   (they describe the detection function in a "user
   #   friendly" way)) into the parameter that are really 
   #   used inside the detection function.
   # author: M. Erdelmeier

   # input/output-variables:    #-----------------------------------------------------

   # name         | type | I/O | description
   # improvement  | real |  I  | improvement in detection (per occasion
   #              |      |     | at minimum effort and mean exposure)
   # max.exposure | real |  I  | value of maximum exposure
   # min.exposure | real |  I  | value of minimum exposure
   # pmax         | real |  I  | expected proportion of detected groups
   #              |      |     | at first occasion, maximum exposure and
   #              |      |     | minimum effort
   # pmin         | real |  I  | expected proportion of detected groups
   #              |      |     | at first occasion, minimum exposure and
   #              |      |     | minimum effort

   # used objects

   # name        | type         | R/W | description

   # local variables

   # name          | type | description
   # mean.exposure | real | 0.5*(min.exposure + max.exposure)
   # theta0        | real | calculated parameter of detection function
   # theha1        | real | calculated parameter of detection function
   # theta2        | real | calculated parameter of detection function 

   # programming part

   # calculate theta1 (from detection function) 
   if (min.exposure != max.exposure)
      theta1 <- (log(1 - pmin)-log(1 - pmax))/
                (max.exposure - min.exposure)
   if (min.exposure == max.exposure)
      # no increase in probability caused by exposure values
      # (because exposure boundaries are identically)
      theta1 <- 0

   # calculate theha0 (from detection function) 
   theta0 <- (-1) * theta1 * min.exposure - log(1 - pmin)
   # now calculate theta2 (from detection function),
   # use mean of exposure boundaries
   # (problems like NAs may be caused by non sensible 
   # parameter configuration)
   mean.exposure <- (min.exposure + max.exposure)/2
   theta2 <- (-1) * log((1 + improvement) * 
             exp((-1) * (theta0+theta1*mean.exposure)) - improvement) /
             (theta0 + theta1*mean.exposure) - 1
   # test if valid data could be generated by given parameters
   if (is.na(theta0) | is.na(theta1) | is.na(theta2))
      stop("\nThe given parameters lead to invalid values.\n")
   if ((theta0==Inf) | (theta1==Inf) | (theta2==Inf))
      stop("\nThe given parameters lead to invalid values.\n")
   # generate return value
   theta <- list(zero=theta0, one=theta1, two=theta2)

# detection.removalmethods

detection.removalmethods <- function(theta0, theta1, theta2, 
                            exposure, effort)

   # description:
   #   This function is used by every removal method
   #   because its functionality is similar for each 
   #   method.
   #   It constructs a matrix with the dimensions
   #   "animal groups" and "number of search occasions"
   #   It calculates the detection probability of each 
   #   animal group in each survey occasion.
   #   This function depends (aside of some parameters)
   #   of the exposure of each group, the survey effort
   #   and the survey time (survey event):
   #   P(detect | exposure, effort, occasions) =
   #   1-exp[-(th0+th1*expos)*effort*(1+th2*(occasion.number-1))]
   #   !!! (occasion number are reduced by one because this leads to
   #   !!! some simplifications, e.g. in the parameter setup
   #   !!! of theta0, theta1 or theta2 in the user interface)
   # author: M. Erdelmeier

   # input/output-variables:    #-----------------------------------------------------

   # name      | type    | I/O | description
   # effort    | vector  |  I  | search effort of each occasion
   #           | of real |     |
   # exposure  | vector  |  I  | exposure value of each group
   #           | of real |     |
   # p.detect  | array   |  O  | matrix with the detection probability
   #           | of real |     | of each group in each survey
   # theta0    | real    |  I  | parameter of detection function 
   #           |         |     | (belongs to exposure)
   # theta1    | real    |  I  | parameter of detection function 
   #           |         |     | (belongs to exposure)
   # theta2    | real    |  I  | parameter of detection function 
   #           |         |     | (belongs to survey occasion)

   # used objects

   # name        | type         | R/W | description

   # local variables

   # name     | type    | description
   # n.groups | vector  | number of animal groups
   #          | of int  |
   # n.occ    | int     | number of survey occasions
   # occasions| vector  | vector of survey occasions:
   #          | of int  | 1,...,n.occ
   # x1       | array   | temporary variable
   #          | of real |
   # x2       | array   | temporary variable
   #          | of real |
   # x3       | array   | temporary variable
   #          | of real |

   # programming part

   ## YYY delete later !!!
#   theta0 <- 0.1
#   theta1 <- 0.2
#   theta2 <- 0.3
#   exposure <- c(1,2,3)
#   effort <- c(5,4,3,2,1)

   ## get important data
   n.groups <- length(exposure)
   n.occ <- length(effort)

   ## vector of occasion numbers
   occasions <- 1:n.occ

   ## calculate the detection probability for each group in
   ## each survey (depends on exposure of the group, the 
   ## survey effort and the survey time respective number):
   ## p=1-exp[-(th0+th1*expos)*effort*(1+th2*(occasion.number-1))]
   ## !!! (occasion number are reduced by one because this leads to
   ## !!! some simplifications, e.g. in the parameter setup
   ## !!! of theta0, theta1 or theta2 in the user interface)
   x1 <- rep(theta0 + theta1*exposure, n.occ)
   x1 <- matrix(x1, ncol=n.occ)
   x2 <- effort*(1 + theta2*(occasions-1))
   x2 <- rep(x2, rep(n.groups, n.occ))
   x2 <- matrix(x2, ncol=n.occ)
   x3 <- (-1)*x1*x2
   p.detect <- 1 - exp(x3)

   ## return the matrix with the detection probabilities

# detection.capture.recapture

detection.capture.recapture <- function(theta0, theta1, theta2, 
                            exposure, effort)

   # description:
   #   This function is used by every capture-recapture 
   #   method because its functionality is similar for 
   #   each method.
   #   It constructs a matrix with the dimensions
   #   "animal groups" and "number of search occasions"
   #   It calculates the detection probability of each 
   #   animal group in each survey occasion.
   #   This function depends (aside of some parameters)
   #   of the exposure of each group, the survey effort
   #   and the survey time (survey event):
   #   P(detect | exposure, effort, occasions) =
   #   1 - exp[-(th0+th1*expos)*effort*(1+th2*(occasion.number-1))]
   #   !!! (occasion number are reduced by one because this leads
   #   !!! to simplifications, e.g. in the parameter setup
   #   !!! of theta0, theta1 or theta2 in the user interface)
   # author: M. Erdelmeier

   # input/output-variables:    #-----------------------------------------------------

   # name      | type    | I/O | description
   # exposure  | vector  |  I  | exposure value of each group
   #           | of real |     |
   # p.detect  | array   |  O  | matrix with the detection probability
   #           | of real |     | of each group in each survey
   # effort    | vector  |  I  | search effort of each occasion
   #           | of real |     |
   # theta0    | real    |  I  | parameter of detection function 
   #           |         |     | (belongs to exposure)
   # theta1    | real    |  I  | parameter of detection function 
   #           |         |     | (belongs to exposure)
   # theta2    | real    |  I  | parameter of detection function 
   #           |         |     | (belongs to survey occasion)

   # used objects

   # name        | type         | R/W | description

   # local variables

   # name     | type    | description
   # n.groups | vector  | number of animal groups
   #          | of int  |
   # n.occ    | int     | number of survey occasions
   # occasions| vector  | vector of survey occasions:
   #          | of int  | 1,...,n.occ
   # x1       | array   | temporary variable
   #          | of real |
   # x2       | array   | temporary variable
   #          | of real |
   # x3       | array   | temporary variable
   #          | of real |

   # programming part

   ## get important data
   n.groups <- length(exposure)
   n.occ <- length(effort)

   ## vector of occasion numbers
   occasions <- 1:n.occ

   ## calculate the detection probability for each group in
   ## each survey (depends on exposure of the group, the 
   ## survey effort and the survey time respective number):
   ## p=1-exp[-(th0+th1*expos)*effort*(1+th2*(occasion.number-1))]
   ## !!! (occasion number are reduced by one because this leads
   ## !!! to simplifications, e.g. in the parameter setup
   ## !!! of theta0, theta1 or theta2 in the user interface)
   x1 <- rep(theta0 + theta1*exposure, n.occ)
   x1 <- matrix(x1, ncol=n.occ)
   x2 <- effort*(1 + theta2*(occasions-1))
   x2 <- rep(x2, rep(n.groups, n.occ))
   x2 <- matrix(x2, ncol=n.occ)
   x3 <- (-1)*x1*x2
   p.detect <- 1 - exp(x3)

   ## return the matrix with the detection probabilities
DistanceDevelopment/WiSP documentation built on Sept. 18, 2020, 2:55 p.m.