Man pages for DivadNojnarg/shinyMons
Shiny App of The Famous 151 First Pokemons

calculate_damagesFunction that calculates the damages of an attack on a given...
compute_statFunction that calculate a given stat of a pokemon based on...
fight_HistoryFunction that generates a timelineItem for each attack the...
generate_pokemonsFunction that generate 2 random pokemons. Levels are between...
pokeAttackServer module for generating the pokeAttacks section
pokeAttackUiUI module for generating the pokeAttacks section
pokeEvolveServer module generating the pokemon evolution timeline
pokeEvolveUiUI module for generating the pokemon evolution timeline
pokeFightServer module for generating the pokeFight section
pokeFightUiUI module for generating the pokeFight section
pokeGalleryServer module generating the pokemon gallery interface
pokeGalleryUiUI module for generating the gallery of the first 151...
pokeInfosServer module generating the pokemon info cards
pokeInfosUiUI module for generating the pokemon info cards
pokeInputServer module generating the pokemon interface
pokeInputUiUI module for sorting pokemon
pokeLocationServer module generating the pokemon location card
pokeLocationUiUI module for generating the pokemon location card
pokeMoveServer module generating the pokemon interface
pokeMoveUiUI module for sorting pokemon
pokeNetworkServer module for generating the pokeNetwork section
pokeNetworkUiUI module for generating the pokeNetwork section
pokeOtherServer module generating other stats chart
pokeOtherUiUI module for generating other stats chart
pokeStatsServer module generating the pokemon stats chart
pokeStatsUiUI module for generating the pokemon stats chart
pokeTypeServer module generating the pokemon types info boxes
pokeTypeUiUI module for generating the pokemon type
run_pokemonsLaunch the pokemon app
select_attacksFunction that list all possible learnable moves for a pokemon...
DivadNojnarg/shinyMons documentation built on June 12, 2019, 8:43 a.m.