
#' calculateBae
#' @param seq The sequence to use for Bae calculation
#' @param cutPosition The index of the nucleotide to the left of the cut site
#' @param weight The length weighting factor to use; default is 20
#' @return
#' @export

#The cutPosition is the index of the base directly to the LEFT of the cut
calculateBae <- function(seq, cutPosition, weight = 20.0){
  seq          <- seq
  left         <- cutPosition
  lengthWeight <- weight
  right        <- nchar(seq) - left + 1

  #print(paste0('length of seq = ', nchar(seq)))

  mhDF         <- data.frame(seq     = as.character(),
                             iC      = as.numeric(),
                             ipluskC = as.numeric(),
                             jC      = as.numeric(),
                             jplusk  = as.numeric(),
                             len     = as.numeric(),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  psDF         <- data.frame(seqDeletion   = as.character(),
                             microhomology = as.character(),
                             delLength     = as.numeric(),
                             patternScore  = as.numeric(),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  for(k in (left-1):1){
    for(j in right:nchar(seq)){
      for(i in 1:(left-k)){
        if(substring(seq, i, i+k) == substring(seq, j, j+k)){
          length <- j-i
          tempDF <- data.frame(seq     = substring(seq, i, i+k),
                               iC      = i,
                               ipluskC = i+k,
                               jC      = j,
                               jplusk  = j+k,
                               len     = length,
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          mhDF <- rbind(mhDF, tempDF)

  sumScore3    <- 0
  sumScoreNot3 <- 0

  for(i in 1:nrow(mhDF)){
    n          <- 0
    score3     <- 0
    scoreNot3  <- 0
    line       <- mhDF[i,]
    scrap      <- line$seq
    leftStart  <- line$iC
    leftEnd    <- line$ipluskC
    rightStart <- line$jC
    rightEnd   <- line$jplusk
    leng       <- line$len

    for(j in 1:nrow(mhDF)){
      if(i != j){
        lineRef       <- mhDF[j,]
        leftStartRef  <- lineRef$iC
        leftEndRef    <- lineRef$ipluskC
        rightStartRef <- lineRef$jC
        rightEndRef   <- lineRef$jplusk

        if((leftStart  >= leftStartRef) &
           (leftEnd    <= leftEndRef) &
           (rightStart >= rightStartRef) &
           (rightEnd   <= rightEndRef)){
          if(((leftStart - leftStartRef) == (rightStart - rightStartRef)) &
             ((leftEnd   - leftEndRef)   == (rightEnd   - rightEndRef))){
            n <- n + 1

    if(n == 0){

      lengthFactor <- round(1/exp((leng)/lengthWeight), 3)
      numGC <- str_count(scrap, 'G') + str_count(scrap, 'C')

      if((leng %% 3) == 0){
        score3 <- 100 * lengthFactor * ((nchar(scrap) - numGC) + (numGC * 2))
      } else {
        scoreNot3 <- 100 * lengthFactor * ((nchar(scrap) - numGC) + (numGC * 2))

      tempPsDF <- data.frame(seqDeletion = paste0(substring(seq, 1, leftEnd),
                                                  paste(rep('-', leng), collapse = ''),
                                                  substring(seq, rightEnd + 1, nchar(seq))),
                             microhomology = scrap,
                             delLength     = leng,
                             patternScore  = (100 * lengthFactor * ((nchar(scrap) - numGC) + (numGC * 2))),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      psDF <- rbind(psDF, tempPsDF)

    sumScore3 <- sumScore3 + score3
    sumScoreNot3 <- sumScoreNot3 + scoreNot3

  #print(paste0("MH Score: ", sumScore3 + sumScoreNot3))
  #print(paste0("Out-of-frame score: ", (sumScoreNot3*100/(sumScore3 + sumScoreNot3))))

Dobbs-Lab/hiroPipeline documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:34 p.m.