
Meiosis is a lean R package for the simulation of meiosis events in diploid (or allopolyploid) plant species for genetic research in plant breeding. Meiosis offers two different but complementary approaches for the simulation of meiosis events that are based on different representations of the genomic data. The first representation, which we named genotypic, simply uses integer coding for the alleles at various loci of the genomic data. For instance, the alleles of a bi-alleleic marker are often encoded with 0 and 1. Meiosis is then simulated with the function meiosis_geno and sequences of integers representing parental gametes are recombined into a new gamete. The seconds representation, which we herein call segmental, encodes genomic data in terms of founder alleles and segment borders (see Cheng et al. (2015)^[XSim]). A founder allele can be thought of as a label that identifies a chunk of DNA in terms of its origin from so-called founder individuals. Segment borders define the beginning and the end of such a chunk. Founder individuals are created with to the function create_xo_founder and are characterized by two unique integers that code for the founder alleles they carry. Meiosis is then simulated by the function meiosis_xo, where the founder alleles and segment data of two gametes are suitably combined to form a new gamete. In order to convert genomic data from the segmental to the genotypic representation, it is first necessary to create a object of type Converter (reference class) and assign to it the genotypes of all founder individuals via the method insert_founder. Thereafter, the conversion is performed by the method convert. All this is illustrated in examples below. For simulating meiosis, we first need to simulate crossovers. This is done internally, but requires a list of parameters. This list can be created with the function create_xoparam and should not be modified by the user.

Meiosis is generally simulated by the functions meiosis_geno and meiosis_xo. However, shallow wrappers were added from simulating a cross (cross_geno, cross_xo), a selfing (self_geno, self_xo) and a doubled haploid (dh_geno, dh_xo) for convenience and code-expressiveness. However, in general the philosophy of Meiosis is to be as low-level a possible and to provide basic functionality with little overhead.

Data structures, choosing between representations and limitations

Data structures

Crossover parameters

A list with crossover parameters is needed for the simulation of crossover locations, which is done internally. This list should not be produced by hand, but rather by the function create_xoparam. It contains parameters related to chromosome lengths and (possible) crossover interference.


An individual is represented by a nested list, where only its lowest level differs between the genotypic and the segmental representation. In general, an individual is a list containing exactly two gametes, the paternal and the maternal gamete. A gamete is itself a list of chromosomes. Only at this level, the two representations diverge. For the genotypic representation, a chromosome is simply an integer vector. For the segmental representation, it is two vectors of equal length, where the first vector is an integer vector containing founder alleles and the second vector is a numeric (double) vector containing the end points of segments in centiMorgan (cM).

Founder individuals

A founder individual is only important for simulations using the segmental representation. Here, a founder individual has the same structure as a conventional individual, but there is only one founder allele on each chromosome that is the same for all chromosomes on a gamete. The data on segments are only the end points of the chromosomes. Founder individuals are the starting point for simulations using the function meiosis_xo.


The "data structure" positions is simply a list that contains vectors with the genetic map, indicating the positions of the respective locus. There is one such vector for each chromosome. Map positions are given in centiMorgan, must be strictly increasing and the first position must be non-negative. Positons are required when simulating meiosis with meiosis_geno (genotypic representation) or when converting from segmental to genotypic.


A converter is a reference class for converting data from the segmental to the genotypic representation. It has only two methods, namely insert_founder for inserting founder genotypes and convert for actually converting the data.

Meiosis provides some convenience functions for checking the integrity of the data structures, like check_positions, check_xo_individual and check_geno_individual, but the functions, in general, do not perform any checks themselves and will end up with undefined behaviour if called with invalid arguments.

Choosing between the two representations

The critical user might ask the legitimate question why there are two different representations of genomic data. The reason is two-fold. First, different representations have different strengths in terms of computation time and memory requirements. In general, the genotypic representation will be advantageous compared to the segmental one when (i) you don't want to bother with the more complicated segmental representation, (ii) you only simulate few generations in a breeding program or you always need genotypic data even for intermediate generations, (iii) you are only dealing with low-density genomic data. On the other hand, the segmental representation will be (possibly much) more efficient when using high-density genomic data and when doing simulations where genotypes of (intermediate) individuals are not always needed. An example would be the simulation of self-fertilization for a couple of generations, were you only care for the genotypes of the inbred lines at the very end. Another advantage of the segmental representation is that it allows you to compute a "realized" coefficient of co-ancestry, which is defined here as the probability that at a random position on the genome, an allele drawn from one individual is identical by descent (i.e., shows the same founder allele) to a randomly drawn allele from a second individual. This can be done by the function realized_coancestry and allows for computing relationship coefficients that capture deviations from additive genetic relationships due to Mendelian sampling.


Sex chromosomes

Meiosis does not currently consider the possibility of different sexes in terms of gonosomes and, hence, is not suited for simulations in animal breeding. In case of dioecious plants, it is the responsibility of the user to manage the matings.


Meiosis does not take into account mutation events. There are various reasons for this. First, Meiosis is mainly inteded for the simulation of plant breeding programs, where the number of generations is limited and, hence, mutations will play a minor role. Second, considering simulation events is only easy in case of point-mutations, where an allele is replace by another and all allelic states are known beforehand. Third, if the user wishes to incorporate mutations, it is easy to do so after the simulation of meiosis.


opts_chunk$set(tidy.opts = list(width.cutoff = 80), tidy = TRUE)

The C++ routines use an independent random number generator. For seeding it, do e.g.

set.seed(123L) ## Seed R's rng
Meiosis::seed_rng(seed = 123L) ## Seed rng used by Meiosis

Create crossover parameters

For (internally) simulating crossover events, the functions that are used to simulate meiosis events accept a special list as parameter. This list is created by the function create_xoparam, which accepts as obligatory parameter a vector that contains the lengths of the chromosomes. Below, we randomly sample the lengths of three chromosomes and create the list containing the crossover parameters. See the documentation of create_xoparam for further parameters.

n_chr <- 3L  ## number of chromosomes
L <- runif(n = n_chr, min = 100, max = 300)  ## sample length of chromosomes in cM
xoparam <- create_xoparam(L)  ## no interference, no obligate chiasma

Number of loci per chromosome and positions

For the examples below, we need to simulate some genomic data. We sample the number of loci per chromosome as well as the positions of these loci on the respective chromosome.

n_loci <- round(runif(n = n_chr, min = 5L, max = 10L))  ## sample number of loci
## sample positions of loci on the chromosome
positions <- lapply(seq_len(n_chr), function(i) sort(runif(n_loci[i], min = 0, max = L[i])))

Example 1: Simulation of meiosis with genomic data in genotypic representation.

This example shows how to simulate meiosis with data in the "genotypic" representation. We first simulate some genotypic data of an individual and then call the function cross_geno for simulating meiosis. In this case, the output is a selfing progeny of ind.

ind <- replicate(2L, lapply(n_loci, function(n) sample(c(0L, 1L), n, replace = TRUE)),
                 simplify = FALSE) ## simulate some genotypic data

p_geno <- Meiosis::cross_geno(father = ind, mother = ind, positions = positions,
                              xoparam = xoparam)

Example 2: Simulation of meiosis with genomic data in segmental representation.

Here, I show how to do the same as in Example 1, but with data in the segmental representation. We first have to create one or multiple founder individuals. Each founder individual has two (distinct!) founder alleles. These founder alleles are represented by arbitrary, but unique integers. Think about these founder alleles as "tags" that are attached to chromosomal segments. As these segments are "dropped down" the pedigree and sometimes altered by a recombination event, the "tags" always guarantee that each chunk of the genome can be unambiguously assigned to one of the founder individuals. A founder individual is created with the function create_xo_founder, which accepts as parameters the integer labels and a vector that specifies the length of each chromosome in cM. A selfing is then simulated by a call to cross_xo.

Because data in the "segmental" representation are not useful for many purposes, we usually will convert them (back) to the "genotypic" representation. To do so, we first have to create a Converter object. This is a special data structures (reference class), which has two methods: insert_founder and convert. Before starting with the conversion, it is necessary to tell the Converter object the genotypes of the founder individuals. This is done via the method insert_founder. The genotypic data of each founder individual that was involved in the generation of progenty has to be added with a call to this method, otherwise an error will be thrown later.

f_alleles <- c(21L, 65L) ## 21 and 65 are arbitrary integers
f <- Meiosis::create_xo_founder(alleles = f_alleles, L = L)

p_xo <- Meiosis::cross_xo(father = f, mother = f, xoparam = xoparam)

Create a converter to convert from the segmental to the genotypic representation.

conv <- new(Meiosis::Converter, positions) ## create a new converter object
conv$insert_founder(f_alleles, ind) ## insert the (one and only) founder
str(conv$convert(p_xo)) ## convert the progeny

Example 3: Derivation of inbred lines from a bi-parental cross.

In this example, I show how te derive a number of inbred lines from a cross between two parents. The first part of the examples shows how to achieve this using the "genotypic" representation and the second part shows the "segmental" case.

n_self <- 10L  ## number of generations of selfing
n <- 30L ## number of progeny

## Genotypic representation
ind2 <- replicate(2L, lapply(n_loci, function(n) sample(c(0L, 1L), n, replace = TRUE)),
                  simplify = FALSE) # Second individual as parent.

pop <- replicate(n, Meiosis::cross_geno(ind, ind2, positions, xoparam), simplify = FALSE)
for (i in seq_len(n_self)) {
  for (j in seq_len(n)) {
    pop[[i]] <- Meiosis::cross_geno(pop[[i]], pop[[i]], positions, xoparam)

## Segmental representation
f2 <- create_xo_founder(alleles = c(55L, 77L), L = L)
pop_xo <- replicate(n, Meiosis::cross_xo(f, f2, xoparam), simplify = FALSE)
for (i in seq_len(n_self)) {
  for (j in seq_len(n)) {
    pop_xo[[i]] <- Meiosis::cross_xo(pop_xo[[i]], pop_xo[[i]], xoparam)

# conv$convert(pop[[1]]) ## error, because genotypic data of second founder not present
conv$insert_founder(c(55L, 77L), ind2)  ## insert second founder first
pop_geno <- lapply(pop_xo, conv$convert) ## convert whole population

Alternatively, we could have used the functions Meiosis::self_geno and Meiosis::self_xo, which are wrappers around Meiosis::cross_geno and Meiosis::cross_xo, for producing the selfings.

Example 4: Creation of a synthetic population.

In this example, we create a synthetic population (segmental representation) by crossing a number of founder individuals and subsequent random mating for several generations.

make_synthetic <- function(founder, n_ind, n_gen) {

  ## Cross parents
  n_founder <- length(founder)
  tmp <- combn(x = seq_len(n_founder), m = 2L)
  combinations <- split(tmp, col(tmp))
  pop_xo <- replicate(n = n_ind, simplify = FALSE, {
    pair <- unlist(sample(combinations, size = 1L))
    cross_xo(founder[[pair[1L]]], founder[[pair[2L]]], xoparam)

  ## Random mating
  for (i in seq_len(n_gen)) {
    pop_xo_new <- pop_xo ## copy
    for (j in seq_len(n_ind)) {
      pair <- sample(n_ind, size = 2L, replace = TRUE)  ## selfing possible
      pop_xo_new[[j]] <- cross_xo(pop_xo[[pair[1L]]], pop_xo[[pair[2L]]], xoparam)
    pop_xo <- pop_xo_new ## swap

n_founder <- 5L  ## number of founders
n_ind <- 100L  ## size of synthetic
n_gen <- 10L  # generations of random mating
alleles <- lapply(seq_len(n_founder), function(i) c(2L * i - 1L, 2L * i))
founder <- lapply(alleles, create_xo_founder, L = L)

## Create synthetic
system.time(syn <- make_synthetic(founder, n_ind, n_gen))

Example 5: Computation of realized coefficients of co-ancestry.

Here, we calculate realized coefficient of co-ancestry. These are analogous to the classical co-ancestry coefficients but take into account variation due to Mendelian sampling.

## Calculate realized coefficients of co-ancestry.
Meiosis::realized_coancestry(p_xo)  ## selfing progeny, expected coefficient is 0.75.

Example 6: Comparison between expected and realized coefficients of co-ancestry.

Here, we verify that the realized coefficients of co-ancestry correspond, on average, to expected coefficients, which are half of the additive genetic relationships between individuals. We therefore simulate a small pedigree and used the package pedigree to compute additive genetic relationships.


## Create a simple pedigree
id <- 1:6
dam <- c(0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 4)
sire <- c(0, 0, 2, 2, 3, 5)
ped <- data.frame(id, dam, sire)

## Compute the additive genetic relationship matrix and coefficients of co-ancestry
cwd <- getwd()
tpdir <- tempdir()
invisible(makeA(ped, which = rep(TRUE, length(id))))
coanc <- read.table("A.txt")

A <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(id), ncol = length(id))
A[as.matrix(coanc[1:2])] <- A[as.matrix(coanc[2:1])] <- coanc[[3]]
eCoc <- A / 2  ## expected coefficients of co-ancestry

## Helper function for simulating pedigree and computing realized coefficients of co-ancestry.
sim_ped <- function() {
  f1 <- create_xo_founder(c(1L, 2L), L)
  f2 <- create_xo_founder(c(3L, 4L), L)
  i1 <- cross_xo(f1, f2, xoparam)
  i2 <- cross_xo(f1, f2, xoparam)
  i3 <- cross_xo(i1, i2, xoparam)
  i4 <- cross_xo(i2, i3, xoparam)

  tmp <- list(f1, f2, i1, i2, i3, i4)
  C <- matrix(data = NA_real_, nrow = length(id), ncol = length(id))
  for (i in seq_along(id))
    for (j in i:length(id))
      C[i, j] <- C[j, i] <- realized_coancestry(tmp[[i]], tmp[[j]])

## Verify that, on average, the realized coefficients are equal to the expected coefficients.
n <- 1000L  ## number of replicates
rCoc_avg <- Reduce(f = `+`, x = replicate(n, sim_ped(), simplify = FALSE)) / n ##  take average
plot(as.vector(rCoc_avg), as.vector(eCoc)); abline(0, 1)

Further examples

We can also produce a doubled haploid progeny, both from the "segmental" and the "genotypic" representation.

## Simulate a doubled haploid individual.
str(Meiosis::dh_geno(ind, positions, xoparam))
str(conv$convert(Meiosis::dh_xo(f, xoparam)))

We can also compute the realized heterozygosity of an individual, i.e., the proportion of the genome that is heterozygous with respect to the founder alleles present.

## Calculate realized heterozygosity.


Parts of the core functionality and documentation of Meiosis was inspired and adapted, respectively, from the package simcross of Karl Broman.

DominikMueller64/Meiosis documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:52 p.m.