Man pages for Don-Li/CAB
The Computational Analysis of Behaviour

CABHelp file
CAB.CORCatania's Operant Reserve
CAB.EBDMcDowell's Evolutionary Behaviour Dynamics
CAB.extractExtract parts of a 'CAB.model organism' slot
CAB_samplersFor generating random samples
class.analysis_object'CAB' Analysis Objects
class.CAB.modelConstruction of models in CAB
class.datasetThe 'dataset' class.
class.event_record'event_record' class
clean_short_IxyIClean your data
compute.IxyICalulating the time elapsed between events in a simulation
compute.local_ratesCompute local rates
compute.session_ratesCompute session rates
convert_event_recordConvert between 'ragged_event_record' and...
copy_event_recordCopy a 'event_record'
COR_helpersCatania's Operant Reserve functions
EBD_helpersMcDowell's Evolutionary Behaviour Dynamics
EBD_utilitiesEvolutionary Behaviour Dynamics Utilities
helloHello, World!
indicator_matrixConstruct an indicator matrix
ksKolmogorow-Smirnov statistic
model_doCall a function in a model object
mpc_backup_readerImport data from Med-PC to 'formal_event_record's
not_duplictedFind not duplicated values
o_setChange values in a model
set_paramDo this later
Don-Li/CAB documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:52 p.m.