
#' @import ggplot2

#' Create read quality color contour plots
#' This function generates a 2-D color/contour map representing the average
#' quality scores by location (read cycle number) for a designated percentile. It is intended to assist the user with deciding where trimming should be performed.
#' @param f_path (required) A character vector locating the forward read
#'   (Read 1) .fastq files
#' @param r_path (required) A character vector locating the reverse read
#'   (Read 2) .fastq files
#' @param idx Indexes (within f_path and r_path) identifying specific .fastq
#'   files to be used for analysis
#' @param percentile The percentile to be targeted . Defaults to .25 (i.e. the
#'   first quartile).
#' @param amp_length Intra-primer amplicon length. Calculated distance in
#'   base-pairs between primers. Used to determine region of no overlap. Both
#'   'amp_length' and 'min_overlap' must be provided for these calculations.
#' @param min_overlap The minimum amount of overlap between the two reads. Used
#'   to determine region of no overlap. Both 'amp_length' and 'min_overlap' must
#'   be provided for these calculations.
#' @param n_samples Integer indicating the number of samples to include in the
#'   visualization. Defaults to 12.
#' @param q A numeric vector designating Phred quality scores to be represented
#'   on the plot. Defaults to 25, 30, and 35.
#' @param bins Integer designating the number of bins each read should be
#'   separated into. For example, visualizing a 250 bp read with 50 bins would
#'   imply that each bin represents 5 cycles/bp. Increasing the number of bins
#'   improves granularity at the cost of memory and processing speed. Defaults
#'   to 50.
#' @param nc The number of cores to use when multithreading. Defaults to 1.
#' @param seed An integer value to be used when randomly selecting the subset of
#'   samples to be visualized.
#' @param verbose If set to TRUE, provides verbose output. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @details qualcontour's (quality contour) two required arguments are character
#'   vectors of the file paths for forward ('f_path') and reverse ('r_path')
#'   reads. qualcontour tabulates the distribution of quality scores at each
#'   read cycle for the forward and reverse reads independently and then
#'   averages (arithmetic mean) the quality scores for each (forward/reverse)
#'   cycle combination. These values are then plotted as a ggplot2 object. Users
#'   can (re)run 'qualcontour' with different 'percentile' values to visualize
#'   how the quality scores varies in shape.
#'   \code{\link[dada2]{plotQualityProfile}} in the 'dada2' package provides an
#'   elegant way of looking at the quality profiles for the forward or reverse
#'   reads.
#' @return A ggplot object with the following attributes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{idx}{Samples used to generate the plot.}
#' \item{amp_length}{Value for amp_length used to generate the plot.}
#' \item{min_overlap}{Value for min_overlap used to generate the plot.}
#' \item{seed}{Seed used to select the samples used to generate the plot.}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link[ShortRead]{qa}} \code{\link[dada2]{plotQualityProfile}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(theseus)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' fns <- sort(list.files(file.path(system.file(package='theseus'),
#'             '/testdata/'), full.names=TRUE))
#' f_path <- fns[grepl('R1.fastq.gz', fns)]
#' r_path <- fns[grepl('R2.fastq.gz', fns)]
#' p.qc <- qualcontour(f_path, r_path, n_samples=2, verbose=TRUE,
#'                     percentile=.25, nc=1)
#' p.qc
#' p.qc + geom_hline(yintercept=175) + geom_vline(xintercept=275)
#' }
#' @export

qualcontour <- function(f_path,r_path,idx,percentile=.25,amp_length,min_overlap,n_samples=12,q=c(25,30,35),bins=50,nc=1,


  if (missing(idx)){
    if (verbose) message(sprintf('No sequence file indexes provided. Randomly selecting %s sequence pairs.',n_samples))
    idx <- sample(seq_along(f_path),n_samples)

  if (verbose) message(sprintf('Calculating scores for %s sequence pairs: ',n_samples))
  scores <- parallel::mclapply(seq_along(idx),function(i){
    q_f <- qual_scores(f_path[i],percentile=percentile)
    q_r <- qual_scores(r_path[i],percentile=percentile,forward=FALSE)
    if (verbose) cat('.')
    (q_f + q_r)/2

  len <- nrow(scores[[1]])

  contours <- lapply(scores,function(s){
    cont <- grDevices::contourLines(1:nrow(s),1:nrow(s),s,levels=q)
    cont <- do.call(rbind,lapply(cont,function(x) data.frame(x=x$x,y=x$y,level=x$level)))
  contours <- do.call(rbind,contours)

  #df_trim <- data.frame(x=0:n_trim,y=(0:n_trim)*-1 + n_trim)

    p1 <- ggplot(contours,aes_(~x,~y,alpha=~..count..,fill=~as.factor(level))) +
      geom_bin2d(bins=bins) +
      scale_fill_brewer(palette='Set1') +
      #geom_abline(slope=-1,intercept=n_trim,linetype=3) +
      #geom_ribbon(data=df_trim,aes_(~x,ymin=1,ymax=~y,count=0),fill='black',alpha=.1) +
      theme_classic() +
      theme(aspect.ratio=1,axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90,vjust=.5,hjust=1)) +
      scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0),limits=c(-1,len),breaks=seq(0,len,50)) +
      scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0),limits=c(-1,len),breaks=seq(0,len,50)) +
      guides(alpha=FALSE) +

  # add region of no overlap if parameters are provided
  if (!(missing(amp_length) && missing(min_overlap))) {
    #df_trim <- data.frame(x=0:n_trim, y=(0:n_trim)*-1 + n_trim)
    overlap_len <- 2*len - amp_length # length of overlap
    n_trim <- overlap_len - min_overlap # max bp can trim
    df_trim <- data.frame(
      x=0:(len - n_trim),
      y=(0:(len - n_trim))*-1 + (len - n_trim))
    p1 <- p1 + geom_abline(slope=-1,intercept=(len - n_trim),linetype=3)
    p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(data=df_trim, aes_(~x,ymin=1,ymax=~y,count=0), fill='black', alpha=.2)

    attr(p1,'amp_length') <- amp_length
    attr(p1,'min_overlap') <- min_overlap

  attr(p1,'seed') <- seed
  attr(p1,'idx') <- idx


EESI/theseus documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:21 p.m.