
Defines functions add_labels eurobis_base_map eurobis_map_draw eurobis_map_regions_reportingareas eurobis_map_regions_eez_iho eurobis_map_regions_iho eurobis_map_regions_eez eurobis_map_regions_ecoregions eurobis_map_regions

Documented in eurobis_map_draw eurobis_map_regions eurobis_map_regions_ecoregions eurobis_map_regions_eez eurobis_map_regions_eez_iho eurobis_map_regions_iho eurobis_map_regions_reportingareas

#' Interactive map with the regions on your viewer. Click to get the MRGID and more info
#' @param layer The region or place type to be displayed. See details.
#' @return A leaflet map with the regions that retrieves info by clicking
#' @details 
#' To select a specific layer you have to provide the code for the layer. Or alternatively, 
#' use the helper of each layer:
#' - \code{eurobis_map_regions_ecoregions()} = Marine Ecoregions of the World (MEOW)
#' - \code{eurobis_map_regions_eez()} = International Hydrographic Office Sea Areas (IHO)
#' - \code{eurobis_map_regions_iho()} = Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ)
#' - \code{eurobis_map_regions_eez_iho()} = Intersections of IHO and EEZ
#' - \code{eurobis_map_regions_reportingareas()} = EMODnet Biology Reporting Areas
#' Marine Regions {https://marineregions.org/} is the geographical backbone of EurOBIS. 
#' All the regions are included in the Marine Regions Gazetteer. You can see the full list of regions 
#' with eurobis_list_regions(). 
#' You can find more info about these layers in {https://marineregions.org/sources.php}
#' The EMODnet Biology Reporting Areas are not described there. The EMODnet Reporting Areas are modified 
#' from the MSDF European seas (https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/europe-seas-1) to fit the 
#' purpose of reporting in the EMODnet project. More info 
#' in: \url{https://marineregions.org/gazetteer.php?p=details&id=63392}
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' eurobis_map_regions_ecoregions()
#' eurobis_map_regions_eez()
#' eurobis_map_regions_iho()
#' eurobis_map_regions_eez_iho()
#' eurobis_map_regions_reportingareas()
#' }
eurobis_map_regions <- function(layer = 'eez'){
  # Assertions
  checkmate::assert_choice(layer, names(eurobis_url$mr_layers))
  stopifnot(length(layer) == 1)
  # Config
  layer <- subset(eurobis_url$mr_layers, names(eurobis_url$mr_layers) == layer)
  layer <- strsplit(layer[[1]], ":", TRUE)[[1]]
  namespace <- layer[1]
  layer <- layer[2]
  wms <- glue::glue("http://geo.vliz.be/geoserver/{namespace}/wms?")
  # Server check
  httr2::request(wms) %>%
    httr2::req_url_path_append("request=GetCapabilities") %>%
    httr2::req_method("HEAD") %>%
    httr2::req_user_agent(string_user_agent) %>%
    httr2::req_perform() %>%
  # Perform
  mr_map <- eurobis_base_map() %>%
      baseUrl = wms,
      layers = layer,
      options = leaflet::WMSTileOptions(
        transparent = TRUE,
        format = "image/png",
        info_format = "text/html"
      attribution = shiny::HTML("<a href='https://marineregions.org/'>Marine Regions</a>") 
    ) %>% add_labels()

#' @rdname eurobis_map_regions
#' @export
eurobis_map_regions_ecoregions <- function(){

#' @rdname eurobis_map_regions
#' @export
eurobis_map_regions_eez <- function(){

#' @rdname eurobis_map_regions
#' @export
eurobis_map_regions_iho <- function(){

#' @rdname eurobis_map_regions
#' @export
eurobis_map_regions_eez_iho <- function(){

#' @rdname eurobis_map_regions
#' @export
eurobis_map_regions_reportingareas <- function(){

#' Draw interactively a polygon and get it as Well Known Text
#' @return a string with a polygon as Well Known Text
#' @export
#' @details 
#' Set \code{options(verbose = TRUE)} to display more information
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{wkt <- eurobis_map_draw()}
eurobis_map_draw <- function(){
  if(!interactive()) NULL
    cli::cli_alert_success("Running Shiny App on localhost")
    cli::cli_ul("Draw polygon interactively on viewer pane")
  base_map <- eurobis_base_map() %>% add_labels()
  polygon <- mapedit::editMap(
    editorOptions = list(
      polylineOptions = FALSE, markerOptions = FALSE, circleOptions = FALSE, 
      circleMarkerOptions = FALSE,
      singleFeature = TRUE
    title = "Click on the toolbar on the left to start drawing your area of interest. Click Done when you have finished.",
    crs = 4326
  # Assertions
  if(is.null(polygon)) stop("No polygon was created")
  if(nrow(polygon) > 1){
    polygon <- sf::st_combine(polygon)
  wkt <- sf::st_as_text(sf::st_geometry(polygon))
  if(getOption("verbose")) cli::cli_alert_info(wkt)

eurobis_base_map <- function(){
  emodnet_tiles <-"https://tiles.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/2020/baselayer/inspire_quad/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
  # Assertions
  url_test <- glue::glue(emodnet_tiles)
  url_not_up <- httr2::request(url_test) %>%
    httr2::req_method("HEAD") %>%
    httr2::req_user_agent(string_user_agent) %>%
    httr2::req_perform() %>% 
    cli::cli_alert_danger("Connection to {url_test} failed")
    cli::cli_alert_warning("Check status of https://portal.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/")
  # Perform
  base_map <- leaflet::leaflet(
    options = leaflet::leafletOptions(crs = leaflet::leafletCRS("L.CRS.EPSG4326"))
  ) %>%
      urlTemplate = emodnet_tiles, 
      options = leaflet::tileOptions(tms = FALSE),
      attribution = shiny::HTML("<a href='https://emodnet.ec.europa.eu'>EMODnet</a>") 

add_labels <- function(map){
  emodnet_labels <- "https://tiles.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/osm/labels/inspire_quad/{z}/{x}/{y}.png"
  map %>%
    leaflet::addTiles(urlTemplate = emodnet_labels,
                      options = leaflet::tileOptions(tms = FALSE)
    ) %>%
    leaflet::setView(15, 45, zoom = 2)
EMODnet/REMODBio documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 4:52 a.m.