Title: "Filtering_snow_height.R"


The script Filtering_snow_height.R in folder inst want to increase quality of data of snow height signal measured with a SR50AT sensor produced by Campbell Scientific (Link). In our data there is some problems, for exmaple some data are out of a phisycal range. To identify these sampling problems we apply some thresholds on range and on increasing/decreasing rate filtering improbable values. After these process the main objective is filtering remaining noise. We apply 2 methods: a moving average filter with a window of 5 hours and a Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter.Documentation of Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter are available online (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/signal/signal.pdf)[1]. The main problem of moving average is the smoothing of true snowfall peaks, the Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter seems to exclude this, if we set a small a filter length. In our analysis we observe some strange phenomenous during snow melting. The snow height signal, expecially during warm and sunny days in spring, has a minimum in the middle of afternoon and increase during the night. Our first hypothesis was that the temperature correction applied, as suggest in User Manual, was not enough. The second hypotesys was that the snow react in a different way depending on his status. So the ultrasonic signal penetrates more in melted snow than in fresh or not melted snow. Open issues: how to filter this snow signal?

Description of script



  1. git_folder: source of package SnowSeasonAnalysis
  2. file: name of .csv file to process available in folder /data/Input data
  3. SNOW_HEIGHT: the column name of file corresponding with snow height parameter. Default (LTER stations) is "Snow_Height"
  4. Range_min_max: path of file containing range thresholds for every variable. Data out of range min/max are replaced with NA (don't edit this path)
  5. Rate_min_max: path of file containing rate thresholds for every variable. Data out of range max increase/decrease are replaced with NA (don't edit this path)
  6. folder_surveys: path of file containing the snow depth calibration point (don't edit this path). Snow_Depth_Calibration_file.csv should be:
    • The first column, called date, is the date and time of measurement, and the second, called snow_height, is the snow height at the station, as near as possible at the sensor.
    • The date should be hourly, date format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm (where mm is 00). Example:
      • Correct: 2017-02-15 15:00
      • Incorrect: 2017-02-15 15:30 (minutes not admitted)
    • The snow_height should be in meters. You should convert snow surveys from cm to m (divide per 100)
    • Snow surveys should be orderd from the oldest to the most recent. Remember to reorder snow surveys every times you insert new one. If the snow surveys are not orederd the calibration don't work properly


Select in section METHOD the one of the following smoothing filter. Assign to SMOOTH_METHOD: "Savitzky_Golay"

  1. "Moving_Avergae": apply to data quality checked a 5 hour moving average filter (Parameter setting manually: PERIOD_LENGTH = 5). Data should be filled before (No NA are admitted)
  2. "Savitzky_Golay": apply to data quality checked a Savitzky-Golay filter (Parameters setting manually:FILTER_ORDER = 1,FILTER_LENGTH = 9). Data should be filled before (No NA are admitted)


  1. Snow_file.RData: in folder data/Output/Snow_Filtering_RData/ an .RData file which contain a list of zoo time series of:

    • HS_original: original data
    • HS_calibrated: snow height calibrated
    • HS_range_QC: snow height cleaned using a range threshold
    • HS_rate_QC: snow height cleaned using a rete threshold
    • HS_calibr_smoothed: the snow height filtered with method selected in SMOOTH_METHOD
    • HS_calibr_smooothed_rate_QC: snow height smoothed and checked with rate threshold
  2. Snow_file.csv: in folder data/Output/Snow_Filtering/ a.csv file which contains some time series of snow height and manipulation. The columns are:

    • TIMESTAMP: date and time of data
    • HS_original: original data
    • HS_calibrated: snow height calibrated
    • HS_range_QC: snow height cleaned using a range threshold
    • HS_rate_QC: snow height cleaned using a rete threshold
    • HS_calibr_smoothed: the snow height filtered with method selected in SMOOTH_METHOD
    • HS_calibr_smooothed_rate_QC: snow height smoothed and checked with rate threshold

Note: in the output names above the algorithm substitute automatically "file" with the name of station, setting in file <- "..." (INPUT 2)


Note on file Snow_Depth_Calibration_FILE.csv. This file contain all snow surveys and snow calibration point used to calibrate raw data of ultrasonic snow sensor.

  1. The first column, called date, is the date and time of measurement, and the second, called snow_height, is the snow height at the station, as near as possible at the sensor.
  2. The date should be hourly, date format is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm (where mm is 00). Example:
    • Correct: 2017-02-15 15:00
    • Incorrect: 2017-02-15 15:30 (minutes not admitted)
  3. The snow_height should be in meters. You should convert snow surveys from cm to m (divide per 100)
  4. Snow surveys should be orderd from the oldest to the most recent. Remember to reorder snow surveys every times you insert new one. If the snow surveys are not orederd the calibration don't work properly

How to use

Open script Filtering_snow_height.R and:

  1. Set git folder, the path where the package is download or used.
  2. Run Section 1 (up to INPUT) to explore data available in folder data/Input data
  3. Select the file (containing Snow_Height) to process
  4. Run Section 2 to read data
  5. Run Section 3 to calibrate snow height time series
  6. Run Section 4 to perform a quality check based on range and on rate of data
  7. Run Section 5 (up to INPUT) to filter signal using moving average filter and Savitzky-Golay smoothing filters
  8. Select in INPUT the data filtered you want to keep
  9. Run the other part of Section 5
  10. Run Section 6 to save outputs


[1] William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, Brian P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing , 2nd edition, Cambridge Univ. Press, N.Y., 1992.

[2] Comai T. ,Analisi spaziale e temporale delle precipitazioni nevose nelle alpi italiane, Rel. Rigon Riccardo, Università degli Studi di Trento, AA 2013/2014

EURAC-Ecohydro/SnowSeasonAnalysis documentation built on Dec. 6, 2020, 2:05 a.m.