Title: "Visualize_Filtering_precipitation_readings.R"


The script Visualize_Filtering_precipitation_readings.R in folder inst plot using an app Shiny the time series of precipitation with the classification. For a better analysis the script plot at the same time the Snow Heigh signal, if available, to verify results.

Description of algorithm

Shiny app

The app shiny plot at the same time 2 plots:

How to use

Open script Visualize_Filtering_precipitation_readings.R and:

  1. Select FILE_NAME, the name of station to examine (without .csv)
  2. Set git folder, the path where the package is download or used.
  3. Assign to PRECIPITATION the name of precipitation column of input file
  4. Assign to SNOW_HEIGHT the name of snow height column of input file
  5. Run Load .RData to import .RData available in folder data/Output/RData
  6. Run Section 2 to launch Shiny app

EURAC-Ecohydro/SnowSeasonAnalysis documentation built on Dec. 6, 2020, 2:05 a.m.