Title: "Visualize_Snow_detection_TS_PAR.R"


The script Visualize_Snow_detection_TS_PAR.R in folder inst plot using dygraph the time series of snow height (HS) (if available) grey line with the classification of snow presence by models. Green represents snow presence period obtained by Soil Temperature (TS) and Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), blue only PAR, red only TS

Description of algorithm

Plot description

On the plot we can see:

How to use

Open script Visualize_Snow_detection_TS_PAR.R and:

  1. Select file, the name of station to examine (without .csv)
  2. Set git folder, the path where the package is download or used.
  3. Set calib_snow = T if you want to show snow height in dygraphs plot calibrated with snow depth calibration, or F if you don't need calibration
  4. Run Section 1 to import data
  5. Run Section 2 to calibrate snow height
  6. Run Section 2 to visualize results using dygraphs

EURAC-Ecohydro/SnowSeasonAnalysis documentation built on Dec. 6, 2020, 2:05 a.m.