
Defines functions exa.writeData

Documented in exa.writeData

#' Write a data.frame into an EXASOL table fast.
#' @description This function writes the given data frame to a database table.
#' The data are transfered to the database via a proprietary transfer channel
#' which is optimized for high speed bulk transfer. To be more detailed, the
#' \code{IMPORT INTO ... FROM CSV AT ...} statement is used internally. On the
#' R-side, the data.frame is converted to csv format and written to a file
#' connection, streaming the data to the database. You can also use arbitrary
#' writers, processing the data frame according to your needs.
#' @param channel The RODBC connection channel, typically created via odbcConnect.
#' @param data The data frame to be written to the table specified in tableName.
#' Please make sure that the column names and types of the data frame are consistent with the names
#' and types in the EXASolution table.
#' @param tableName Name of the table to write the data to. The table has to exist and the records will be appended.
#' @param tableColumns If your data frame contains only a subset of the columns you can specify these
#' here. The columns and types have to be specified as a vector of strings like: \code{c("col1", "col2")}
#' Please take a look at the documentation of the cols parameter in the EXASolution
#' User Manual sec. 2.2.2 '\code{IMPORT}', for details.
#' @param encoding A string containing the source encoding (iconv format). By default, the encoding is being
#'     read from /code{Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")}, which might fail on some OSes. In that case, an error
#'     is returned, asking to set this parameter manually (see example below).
#' @param writer This parameter is for the rare cases where you want to customize the writer receiving
#' the data frame and writing the data to the communication channel.
#' @param server This parameter is only relevant in rare cases where you want to customize the address
#' of the data channel. Per default, the data channel uses the same host and port as the RODBC connection.
#' @return The function returns the value returned by the writer, or TRUE if there is none.
#' @author EXASOL AG <opensource@exasol.com>
#' @example examples/writeData.R
#' @family None-DBI-API
#' @export
exa.writeData <- function(channel, data, tableName, tableColumns = NA,
                          encoding = tryCatch(strsplit(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"),".", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2],
                                              error = function(e) stop(paste("Cannot get system encoding." +
                                                                             " Please set manually.\n",e)
                          writer = function(data, conn, fileEncoding = encoding) {
                                        file = conn,
                                        row.names = FALSE,
                                        col.names = FALSE,
                                        na = "",
                                        sep = ",",
                                        qmethod = "double",
                                        fileEncoding = fileEncoding)
                          server) {
  if (is.null(data) || nrow(data) == 0) {
    message(paste0("Empty dataframe, skipping writing into Exasol table.\n"))

  protocol <- ifelse(channel@encrypted, "https", "http")

  try(.Call(C_asyncRODBCQueryFinish, 0))

  if (missing(server)) {
    server <- odbcGetInfo(channel)[["Server_Name"]]

  serverAddress <- strsplit(server, ":")[[1]]

  serverHost <- as.character(serverAddress[[1]])
  serverPort <- as.integer(serverAddress[[2]])

  .Call(C_asyncRODBCIOStart, serverHost, serverPort, protocol)
  proxyHost <- .Call(C_asyncRODBCProxyHost)
  proxyPort <- .Call(C_asyncRODBCProxyPort)

  columns <- ""
  if (length(tableColumns) > 1 || (length(tableColumns) == 1 && !is.na(tableColumns))) {
    columns <- paste("(",paste(tableColumns,collapse=", "),")")

  query <- paste0("IMPORT INTO ", tableName,
                 " FROM CSV AT '" , protocol, "://", proxyHost, ":",
                 proxyPort, "' FILE 'importData.csv' ENCODING = '", encoding, "'")
  on.exit(.Call(C_asyncRODBCQueryFinish, 0))

  fd <- .Call(C_asyncRODBCQueryStart, attr(channel, "handle_ptr"),
              query, protocol, 1)

  res <- writer(data, fd)
  .Call(C_asyncRODBCQueryFinish, 1)
  ifelse(is.null(res), return(TRUE), return(res))
EXASOL/r-exasol documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 2:32 a.m.