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  comment = "#>",
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hamstr: Hierarchical Accumulation Modelling with Stan and R

codecov test-coverage R-CMD-check

hamstr implements a Bacon-like (Blaauw and Christen, 2011) sediment accumulation or age-depth model with hierarchically structured multi-resolution sediment sections. The Bayesian model is implemented in the Stan probabilistic programming language (


hamstr can be installed directly from Github

if (!require("remotes")) {

remotes::install_github("earthsystemdiagnostics/hamstr", args = "--preclean", build_vignettes = FALSE)

Using hamstr

Examples using the example core "MSB2K" from the rbacon package.



Converting radiocarbon ages to calendar ages.

Unlike Bacon, hamstr does not do the conversion of radiocarbon dates to calendar ages as part of the model fitting process. This must be done in advance. hamstr includes the helper function calibrate_14C_age to do this, which in turn uses the function BchronCalibrate from the Bchron package.

Additionally, unlike Bacon, hamstr approximates the complex empirical calendar age PDF that results from calibration into a single point estimate and 1-sigma uncertainty. This is a necessary compromise in order to be able to use the power of the Stan platform. Viewed in context with the many other uncertainties in radiocarbon dates and the resulting age-models this will not usually be a major issue.

The function calibrate_14C_age will append columns to a data.frame with the calendar ages and 1-sigma uncertainties.

MSB2K_cal <- calibrate_14C_age(MSB2K, age.14C = "age", = "error")

The approximated calendar age PDFs can be compared with the empirical PDFs with the function compare_14C_PDF

A sample of six dates are plotted here for the IntCal20 and Marine20 calibrations. This approximation is much less of an issue for marine radiocarbon dates, as the cosmogenic radiocarbon signal has been smoothed by mixing in the ocean.

i <- seq(1, 40, by = floor(40/6))[1:6]
compare_14C_PDF(MSB2K$age[i], MSB2K$error[i], cal_curve = "intcal20")+
  ggplot2::labs(title = "Intcal20")
compare_14C_PDF(MSB2K$age[i], MSB2K$error[i], cal_curve = "marine20") +
  ggplot2::labs(title = "Marine20")

Fitting age-models with hamstr

Age-depth (sediment accumulation) models are fit with the function hamstr. A vectors of depth, observed age and age uncertainty are passed as arguments to the function.

hamstr_fit_1 <- hamstr(depth = MSB2K_cal$depth,
                       obs_age = MSB2K_cal$,
                       obs_err = MSB2K_cal$, 
                       # the seed argument for the sampler is set here so that
                       # this example always returns the same numerical result
                       stan_sampler_args = list(seed = 1))

The default plotting method shows the fitted age models together with some diagnostic plots: a traceplot of the log-posterior to assess convergence of the overall model; a plot of accumulation rate against depth at each hierarchical level; the prior and posterior of the memory parameter. By default the age-models are summarised to show the mean, median, 25% and 95% posterior intervals. The data are shown as points with their 1-sigma uncertainties. The structure of the sections is shown along the top of the age-model plot.


A "spaghetti" plot can be created instead of shaded regions. This shows a random sample of iterations from the posterior distribution (realisation of the age-depth model). This can be slow if lots of iterations are plotted, the default is to plot 1000 iterations. Additionally, plotting of the diagnostic plots can be switched off.

plot(hamstr_fit_1, summarise = FALSE, plot_diagnostics = FALSE)

Mean accumulation rate

There is no need to specify a prior value for the mean accumulation rate (parameter acc.mean in Bacon) as in hamstr, this overall mean accumulation rate is a full parameter estimated from the data.

By default, hamstr uses robust linear regression (MASS::rlm) to estimate the mean accumulation rate from the data, and then uses this to parametrise a prior distribution for the overall mean accumulation rate. This prior is a half-normal with zero mean and standard deviation equal to 10 times the estimated mean. Although this does introduce a slight element of "double-dipping", using the data twice (for both the prior and likelihood), the resulting prior is only weakly-informative. The advantage of this approach is that the prior is automatically scaled appropriately regardless of the units of depth or age.

This prior can be checked visually against the posterior. The posterior distribution should be much narrower than the weakly informative prior.

plot(hamstr_fit_1, type = "acc_mean_prior_post")

Other hyperparameters

Default parameter values for the shape of the gamma distributed accumulation rates acc_shape = 1.5, the memory mean mem_mean = 0.5 and memory strength mem_strength = 10, are the same as for Bacon >= 2.5.1.

Setting the number and hierarchical structure of the discrete sections

One of the more critical tuning parameters in the Bacon model is the parameter thick, which determines the thickness and number of discrete down-core sediment sections modelled. Finding a good or optimal value for a given core is often critical to getting a good age-depth model. Too few sections and the resulting age-model is very "blocky" and can miss changes in sedimentation rate; however, counter-intuitively, too many very thin sections can also often result in an age-model that "under-fits" the data - a straight line through the age-control points when a lower resolution model shows variation in accumulation rate.

The key structural difference between Bacon and hamstr models is that with hamstr the sediment core is modelled at multiple resolutions simultaneously - removing the need to trade-off smoothness and flexibility. The resolutions have a hierarchical structure whereby coarse resolution "parent" sections act as priors for higher resolution "child" sections.

For hamstr version 0.8.0 and onwards, the parameter K_fine controls the number of discrete sections at the highest resolution level, while K_factor controls how much thicker the discrete sections are at each subsequent level. Sufficient levels are modelled so that the coarsest level has just one section - an overal mean accumulation rate.

The structure is hierarchical in the sense that the modelled accumulation rates for the parent sections act as priors for their child sections; specifically, the estimated accumulation rate for a coarse parent section acts as the mean of the gamma prior for its child sections. In turn, the overall mean accumulation rate for the whole core is itself a parameter estimated by the fitting process. The hierarchical structure of increasing resolution allows the model to adapt to low-frequency changes in the accumulation rate, that is changes between "regimes" of high or low accumulation that persist for long periods.

By default, the number of sections at the highest resolution (K_fine) is set so that the sections have approximately unit thickness, i.e. if the depths are in cm, the sections are 1 cm thick. This applies up to a maximum of 900 sections above which the default remains 900 sections and a coarser resolution is used. This can be changed from the default via the parameter K_fine.

K_factor is set so that the total number of modelled sections is approximately 1.2 times K_fine, or

K_factor^K_factor $\approx$ K_tot $\approx$ 1.2 * K_fine

For a given shape parameter acc_shape, increasing the number of modelled hierarchical levels increases the total variance in the accumulation rates at the highest / finest resolution level. From hamstr version 0.5.0 and onwards, the total variance is controlled by modifying the shape parameter according to the number of hierarchical levels.

Getting the fitted age models

The fitted age models can be obtained with the predict and summary methods. iter is the iteration of the sampler, or "realisation" of the age model.


summary returns the age model summarised over the realisations.


The hierarchical structure of the sections makes it difficult to specify the exact depth resolution that you want for your resulting age-depth model. The predict method takes an additional argument depth to interpolate to a specific set of depths. The function returns NA for depths that are outside the modelled depths.

age.mods.interp <- predict(hamstr_fit_1, depth = seq(0, 100, by = 1))

These interpolated age models can summarised with the same function as the original fitted objects, but the n_eff and Rhat information is lost.


Getting and plotting the accumulation rate

The down-core accumulation rates are returned and plotted in both depth-per-time, and time-per-depth units. If the input data are in years and cm then the units will be cm/kyr and yrs/cm respectively. Note that the acc_mean parameter in both hamstr and Bacon is parametrised in terms of time per depth.

plot(hamstr_fit_1, type = "acc_rates")
summary(hamstr_fit_1, type = "acc_rates") 

Diagnostic plots

Additional diagnostic plots are available. See ?plot.hamstr_fit for options.

Plot modelled accumulation rates at each hierarchical level

plot(hamstr_fit_1, type = "hier_acc")

Plot memory prior and posterior

As for this example the highest resolution sections are approximately 1 cm thick, there is not much difference between R and w.

plot(hamstr_fit_1, type = "mem")

Other rstan functions

Within the hamstr_fit object is an rstan object on which all the standard rstan functions should operate correctly.

For example:



The first alpha parameter is the overall mean accumulation rate.

rstan::traceplot(hamstr_fit_1$fit, par = c("alpha[1]"),
                 inc_warmup = TRUE)


EarthSystemDiagnostics/baconr documentation built on Dec. 10, 2023, 4:35 a.m.