Man pages for Edert/NVT
Normalization visualisation tool

check_cmethodCheck correlation method
check_expression_listCheck expression gene list
check_hkgene_listCheck housekeeping gene list
check_methodCheck normalization method
check_norm_listCheck normalized expression gene list
exists_hkgene_listCheck if housekeeping gene list is valid
myexp1List of expression data of each gene
myexp2List of expression data of each gene
mylenList of length of each gene
mylist_hsList of human housekeeping genes
myusecaseexpDataframe of expression of six human RNA-Seq samples
myusecaselenList of ensembl human gene-length
NVTadvancedmaplotPlot the MA-plot of a NVTobject with ggplot2
NVTadvancedplotPlot the XY-plot of a NVTobject with ggplot2
NVT-classClass "NVTdata"
NVTinitInitialize and load input data into a NVTobject
NVTlmReturns the linear model a normalized NVTobject
NVTloadgffLoad a gff2 (gtf) or gff3 file, this may take a while...
NVTmaeCalculate the mean absolute error (MAE) of the housekeeping...
NVTmaplotPlot the MA-plot of a NVTobject
NVTnormalizeNormalize a NVTobject, the normalization method has been set...
NVTpearsonCalculate the pearson correclation of the housekeeping genes...
NVTplotPlot the XY-plot of a NVTobject
NVTrmsdCalculate the root mean squared deviation (RMSD) of the...
NVTtestallCalculate the chosen correclation of the housekeeping genes...
showShow method, to retrieve the normalized expression values
Edert/NVT documentation built on June 25, 2021, 5:46 p.m.